High childhood chronic undernutrition (stunting) and acutely undernourished (wasted) levels are observed in Lao PDR. The government has a strong desire in promoting a Multi-sectoral – Nutrition Convergent...
Healthy diets have been characterized as responding to four universal principles—nutrient adequacy, dietary diversity, macronutrient balance, and moderation. With rising incomes, diet concerns globally...
Hidden hunger, or micronutrient deficiencies, is a serious public health issue affecting approximately 2 billion people worldwide. Identifying areas with high prevalence of hidden hunger is crucial for...
The development objective of Second Reducing Rural Poverty and Malnutrition Project for Lao People's Democratic Republic is to strengthen the social protection system and enhance the convergence of multisectoral...
Malnutrition is one of Pakistan’s biggest development challenges, with long-term implications for human capital development and economic growth. The proportions of young children stunted (40 percent)...
This policy note presents evidence-based guidance for the effective design, implementation, and utilization of small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) interventions in the Sahel region...
This policy note presents evidence-based guidance for the effective design, implementation, and utilization of small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) interventions in the Sahel region...
The World Bank Group (WBG) FY2024-27 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) aims to continue supporting Guatemala in addressing its development challenges, with a focus on inclusion and sustainability. The...
This brief details the findings of research examining context specific determinants of growth faltering and childhood undernutrition in five Sahel countries - Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger, and Senegal...
This brief details the findings of research examining context specific determinants of growth faltering and childhood undernutrition in five Sahel countries - Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger, and Senegal...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) partly reversed gains made in three decades of sustained decline in poverty and a decade of accelerated reduction in inequality in Philippines. Although the economy is recovering...
Many countries in South Asia (SA) have evolved from having a high burden of undernutrition to having a double burden of malnutrition (DBM), which is a high prevalence of both undernutrition and overweight...
Pakistan is currently facing a triple burden of malnutrition with unabated rates of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies along with overweight and obesity. Malnutrition levels in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa...
Pakistan is currently facing a triple burden of malnutrition with unabated rates of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies along with overweight and obesity. Punjab demonstrates better nutrition outcomes...
Pakistan is currently facing a triple burden of malnutrition with unabated rates of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies along with overweight and obesity. Pakistan has the largest population of...
Pakistan is currently facing a triple burden of malnutrition with unabated rates of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies along with overweight and obesity. Malnutrition levels in Balochistan are...
Dire levels of childhood stunting present a major public health threat and it remains as a key human development challenge for Pakistan. Adequate food intake, environmental health, and care for children...
Childhood stunting, being too short for one’s age, is the result of chronic or recurrent undernutrition. Stunting poses a significant impediment to human development, with those affected facing long-term...
The development objective of Multisectoral Nutrition Project for Philippines is to increase the utilization of a package of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions and improve key behaviors...