Timor-Leste hasoru momentu definitivu ida iha ninia perkursu ekonómiku. Enkuantu nasaun buka atu halo tranzisaun hosi dependénsia petrolíferu ba ekonomia ida ne'ebé diversu no reziliente liu, risku sira...
Malawi’s economic recovery remains fragile due to the slow implementation of macroeconomic adjustment reforms and a series of recent shocks. Food insecurity remains a major concern due to weak harvests...
Economic and population growth over the past 50 years have increased global natural resource use to levels that severely affect human well-being. In Türkiye, as elsewhere, economic and population growth...
This report examines the transition of Turkish firms to align with circular economy (CE) principles, highlighting both immediate needs and the longer-term opportunities from engaging in a transition agenda...
Economic growth moderated to 5.2 percent in the third quarter. On the production side, weather disturbances disrupted transport and supply chains. On the demand side, net exports declined while stronger...
Macroeconomic textbooks warn that procyclical public spending can amplify economic volatility and cause fiscal stress. However, the latter risks materialize only when governments fail to reduce spending...
This Algeria Economic Update reports on the main recent economic developments and policies. It places them in a global and longer term context and assesses the implications of these developments and...
The Tunisian economy experienced a modest growth of 0.6 percent in the first half of 2024, following zero growth in 2023. By the end of 2024, Tunisia is projected to be the only country in its region with...
The Tunisian economy experienced a modest growth of 0.6 percent in the first half of 2024, following zero growth in 2023. By the end of 2024, Tunisia is projected to be the only country in its region with...
Moldova’s climate and development challenges are inextricably linked. Weak and volatile growth, high levels of poverty, near total energy import dependence, and a strong reliance on drought-prone agriculture are...
Industrial production improved in October 2024, driven by strong growth in the manufacturing sector. The purchasing managers’ index (PMI) in manufacturing became expansionary at 51.2 as the manufacturing...
This edition of the Macro Poverty Outlooks periodical contains country-by-country forecasts and overviews for GDP, fiscal, debt and poverty indicators for the developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa...
The Committee welcomed the findings and implications of IEG’s early-stage evaluation of the Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA), which aim to help strengthen the effectiveness of the MPA. Members commended...
The economies of the Western Balkans (WB6) continue to navigate a complex operating environment, and despite experiencing a moderate acceleration in growth, uncertainty remains high. This year, the region...
The Sri Lanka Development Update (SLDU) has two main aims. First, it reports on key developments over the past 12 months in Sri Lanka’s economy, places these in longer term and global contexts, and updates...
Fiscal policy can play a critical role in mitigating business cycle volatility. However, between 1990 and 2022, Argentina was one of the most procyclical countries globally. This paper scrutinizes Argentina’s...