Côte d’Ivoire’s overall and external public debt remain at moderate risk of debt distress and show significative improvements compared to the DSA prior to the debt management operation (DMO) completed...
The Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) assesses Moldova at low risk of external debt distress and at moderate risk ooverall public debt distress, unchanged from the previous assessment.1 Moldova’s public...
Macroeconomic textbooks warn that procyclical public spending can amplify economic volatility and cause fiscal stress. However, the latter risks materialize only when governments fail to reduce spending...
The Tunisian economy experienced a modest growth of 0.6 percent in the first half of 2024, following zero growth in 2023. By the end of 2024, Tunisia is projected to be the only country in its region with...
The Maldives Development Update (MDU) has two main goals. First, it takes the pulse of the Maldivian economy by outlining key developments over the past 12 months. Placing these in a global context, and...
This Performance and Learning Review (PLR) updates and assesses progress in implementing the World Bank Country Partnership Framework (CPF, FY2020-FY2025) for the People’s Republic of China, discussed...
Zimbabwe is a lower middle-income country with strong human and natural capital and significant growth potential and yet faces entrenched governance and institutional challenges, macroeconomic volatility...
Fiscal policy can play a critical role in mitigating business cycle volatility. However, between 1990 and 2022, Argentina was one of the most procyclical countries globally. This paper scrutinizes Argentina’s...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the global shocks that followed have worsened fiscal and debt positions in small states, intensifying their already substantial fiscal challenges—especially the need to manage...
Sierra Leone’s economy experienced overlapping setbacks during 2022, as external spillovers from the Russian invasion of Ukraine aggravated domestic macroeconomic vulnerabilities. This led to high levels...
This paper examines to what extent slowdowns in economic growth after natural disasters are accompanied by widening fiscal deficits and corresponding pressures on public debt. Empirical analysis based...
The Nigeria Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) and the associated technical notes describe the main trends and drivers of growth and job creation in Nigeria covering the years 2000 to 2021; outline the...
This paper revisits the historical roots of Latin America’s disappointing growth using a novel macro and trade-based growth decomposition and a simple model of industrialization in a commodities-exporting...
The COVID-19 crisis requires policy reforms on many fronts, from debt sustainability to climate-smart recovery. This Research & Policy brief draws on theory and empirical evidence to explore the opportunities...
The World Bank Group recommends a systematic structure for proactively disclosing information through this Framework for Disclosure in Public-Private Partnership Projects. The Framework is embedded in...