This paper studies telework as an opportunity to increase women’s labor force participation in Mexico. Using data on the availability and use of information technology in households, the paper models women’s...
Los venezolanos constituyen la población extranjera más importante en el Ecuador y enfrentan desafíos de inserción social y económica debido a su vulnerabilidad y las condiciones desafiantes del país de...
The changing nature of work, accelerated by the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in several fundamental shifts in the terms and conditions of work. Along with the clear trend of increased...
Profiling tools may enable more personalized delivery mechanisms as well as customized active labor market policies based on client characteristics. Assist Public Employment Services (PES) to focus their...
This Short Note is part of a series based on the report “Working without Borders: The Promise and Peril of Online Gig Work” that aims to promote discussion among policymakers and practitioners on opportunities...
This retrospective report explores global progress and lessons learned over the past 10 years in promoting gender equality. This report takes stock of global progress and considers the impact of evidence-backed...
What are the impacts of expanding mobile broadband coverage on poverty, household consumption, and labor-market outcomes in developing countries? Who benefits from improved coverage of mobile internet?...
El objetivo de este documento es generar una propuesta metodologica para la realización de análisis de prospectiva laboral desde el SPE. Para hacer esto, primero se hace un revisión de literatura para...
The Sourcebook synthesizes real-world experiences and lessons learned of social protection delivery systems from around the world, with a particular focus on social and labor benefits and services. It...
While Morocco’s labor regulations are consistent with many international labor standards, our review has identified various issues. Relative to other countries in MENA, employers in Morocco are more likely...
This background note is one of several analytical contributions to the 2021 Albania country economic memorandum (CEM). The CEM is a World Bank flagship report that aims to help Albania identify next steps...
Every Public employment services (PES) should have systems in place to monitor the following: Jobseekers’ obligations, availability to work and jobseeking efforts; The performance of external providers...
This report is the submission of proposals for the simplification of licensing in specific areas, which fall under the competence of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, namely: Day Care Centers for...
This report provides novel evidence on the short-term impacts of a dual apprenticeship program on youths and firms in Côte d’Ivoire. The impact evaluation was embedded in the Youth Employment and Skills...
Although it had a a lower income level than India in 1980, China's 2006 per capita gross domestic product stands more than twice that of India's. This paper investigates the role of the business environment...
In the past decade, the World Bank has promoted improving business environments as a key strategy for development, which has resulted in a significant amount of investment in collecting firm-level investment...
The stability of employment relations is an endogenous variable in labor contracts. Employers and workers often find it in their economic interest to negotiate job security along with wages and other benefits...
This a study on the substitution of labor and equipment in civil construction for reconstruction and development. It emphasizes the importance of proper work organization for labor-intensive tasks in civil...