La note économique 2024 pour le Mali est organisée en deux chapitres. Le premier chapitre présente l’évolution de l’économie et de la pauvreté observée dans le pays en 2023 ainsi que les perspectives de...
Ratings for the Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project for Eastern Africa were as follows: overall efficacy rating is substantial. The monitoring and evaluation system is rated as modest. Bank performance...
Liberia is one of the poorest countries, ranking 180th out of the 190 countries in the World Bank’s development database. Based on the national poverty line, 59 percent of Liberians were poor in 2016...
At 24.4 percent, Pakistan’s female labor force participation rate is among the world’s lowest. Female labor force participation is critical to promoting gender equality, development, and inclusive growth...
This report builds on a joint WHO-World Bank initiative on budget execution challenges (described in more detail in Appendix 1). Following the introduction, section 2 provides an overview of core concepts...
The new political context emerging from the May 2024 elections provides a unique opportunity for South Africa. The alignment of economic and political incentives, in the sense that improving the economy...
L’impact mondial du changement climatique n’a jamais été si omnipresent ni dévastateur, provoquant aux quatre coins de la planète des phénomènes extrêmes allant de la fonte des glaces aux inondations...
Este relatório apresenta os resultados de um estudo para analisar os indicadores de IHC da Guiné-Bissau e a sua políticas de capital humano em três setores - saúde, educação e proteção social. O relatório...
Over the past decades, India has developed at a scale and pace that few would have thought possible. From 2000 to today, in real terms, the economy has grown nearly four-fold, and GDP per capita has almost...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significant potential to help drive economic development and poverty reduction in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). It can transform societies and help foster resilient...
This report identifies the unique technological challenges and opportunities faced by various Azerbaijani communities when using digital tools and services, particularly in rural areas. The findings will...
As disasters caused by natural hazards increase in frequency and complexity, there is a growing need for effective preparedness and response. The World Bank continues to adapt its crisis response toolkit...
Mientras que el 40% de los hombres graduados de educación terciaria en Chile obtiene títulos en programas de CTIM, el porcentaje de mujeres es solo 7.8%. Cada día las mujeres dedican más del doble del...
Las mujeres jóvenes en Perú tienen 6 puntos porcentuales más de probabilidad que los hombres jóvenes de estar sin educación, empleo ni capacitación. Las mujeres tienen 13 puntos porcentuales más de...
This document was drawn up as a part of the advisory services that the Bank provides to the Ministry of Labor, Pension System, Family and Social Policy with the aim of providing support for the development...
Mientras que el 26% de los hombres graduados de educación terciaria en Honduras obtiene títulos en programas de CTIM, el porcentaje de mujeres es solo 9%. Aunque disminuye lentamente, la tasa de fertilidad...
Who is this note for? This Guidance note is for World Bank TTLs and Social Protection practitioners to carry out country level diagnostic assessments of Parental Benefits using a ‘Parental Benefits Framework’...
Ovaj dokument izrađen je u sklopu savjetodavnih usluga koje Svjetska banka pruža Ministarstvu rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike (MROSP), a kojima se želi pružiti podrška pri izradi...