This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) assesses the relevance, effectiveness, and adaptability of the World Bank Group’s support to Nepal from FY 2014 through FY23. The evaluation period spans the FY14–18...
Good jobs are often a key economic issue in advanced and developing economies alike. Jobs outcomes that are socially sub-optimal, inefficient, or inequitable vary a great deal by country, but can include...
There are clear synergies between the JET, gender, and climate/GRID lens, all of which are critical for country level portfolio assessments, e.g., more gender-balanced labor market, green growth. Economic...
In the Netherlands, the labor market is characterized by a high amount of parttime jobs (mainly held by women) and a comparatively high share of temporary employment and self-employment.4 On the one hand...
Results from the Myanmar firm survey round 9 indicate that the business environment remained vulnerable. In October 2021, firms re-ported that profit declined by an average of 66 percent compared to January...
Job search counseling and training are the main services to improve jobseekers' skills in finding vacancies and applying for jobs. Strategies to connect employers with jobseekers variate from short-term...
This brief focuses on the jobs and unemployment situation in Georgia, drawing from the World Bank report “Back to work: growing with jobs in Europe and Central Asia.” Unemployment remains a major challenge...
This brief focuses on the jobs and unemployment situation in Armenia, drawing from the World Bank report “Back to work: growing with jobs in Europe and Central Asia.” In Armenia, the unemployment rate...
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Development Economics Prospects Group (DECPG) weekly global economic newsletter are as follows: global retail sales volumes slowed in April, stagnating...
This news release, dated March 2, 1978, announces a tourism project in Mexico expected to generate over 32,000 permanent jobs directly and another 33,000 indirectly will be supported by a 50 million dollars...