This Brief examines the impact of US interest rate hikes on developing East Asian economies. The effect will depend on the underlying factors driving the changes in US interest rates. US interest rates...
At the request of the authorities of the ministry of finance of Tajikistan, the World Bank country office in Tajikistan organized a training on public debt management issues. The training was arranged...
GIA’s Quarterly Activity Report summarizes GIA’s engagement results for the quarter.
For over 40 years, development partners have entrusted the World Bank with the financial management of their contributions to World Bank trust funds and Financial Intermediary Funds (FIFs). These resources...
An asset and liability management framework for managing risks arising from sovereign foreign exchange obligations requires a joint analysis of (i) the external financial liabilities resulting from a country's...
Interest rate risk can increase debt-servicing costs, putting pressure on national budgets and forcing countries to impose spending cuts or tax reforms. The World Bank helps countries manage this risk...
This study seeks to assess the effects of post-crisis regulatory reforms on derivatives used to hedge infrastructure finance transactions in Emerging Market and Developing Economies (EMDEs). The motivation...