Indigenous Peoples (IPs) are culturally distinct societies and communities. The Philippines is one of the few Asian countries that officially uses the term “Indigenous Peoples,” and IP rights are fully...
Indigenous Peoples (IPs) have rights, often customary and collective in nature, that are enshrined in a growing body of international & regional rights frameworks outlining the duties of States. National-level...
On March 23, 2023, the World Bank Group (WBG) held a virtual dialogue with women indigenous leaders from around the world on the World Bank Group (WBG) Gender Strategy for 2024-2030. The aim of this discussion...
El presente documento es un acercamiento a la vida de las mujeres indígenas en Cotacachi que muestra su realidad durante las distintas etapas de su vida, en donde se expresa cómo la comunidad y la familia...
La Violencia Basada en Género (VBG) es un problema generalizado en Ecuador y las mujeres y niñas indígenas son algunas de las más afectadas. Alrededor del 60% de las mujeres en Ecuador han experimentado...
The development objective of the Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Nepal Project for Nepal is to strengthen the capacity of targeted indigenous peoples and local...
The employment rate among persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation is low - only 26.3 percent as of 2021 - with virtually no change over the past five years. At the same time, the government...
El Mecanismo Dedicado Específico (en lo sucesivo denominado MDE) como iniciativa especial del Programa de Inversión Forestal (FIP), apoya los esfuerzos de los países en desarrollo para abordar las causas...
This case study describes how farmers in Bonam, a village in rural Burkina Faso, predict seasonal rainfall, and, examines how their forecasts relate to scientific ones. The research shows that farmers...
The note briefly describes the Associates in Research and Education for Development - ARED - experience, as well as that of the Center for Studies on Research and Development of African Languages - CERFLA...