This report builds on a joint WHO-World Bank initiative on budget execution challenges (described in more detail in Appendix 1). Following the introduction, section 2 provides an overview of core concepts...
Digital technology, applications, data, and information systems, as part of the ongoing transformation of health and health care can help ensure universal and equitable access to affordable, people centered...
Patent proprietary medicine vendors (PPMVs) are the first point of care for low-income Nigerian households. They are likely to play an important role in a digital care pathway established for low-income...
The World Bank is committed to supporting countries in efforts to advance inclusion that benefits all, including sexual and gender minorities. In recent years, many countries have made advances in this...
Ratings of Health Service and Capacity Strengthening Project for Guinea were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial...
Ratings for the Emergency Health Service Delivery Project for Zambia were as follows: outcomes were highly satisfactory, the bank performance was satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality...
Ratings for Sudan's COVID-19 Emergency Response Project were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the Bank performance was sufficient, and the monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial...
The development objective of Improving Mental Health Services Project in Sint Maarten is to improve the capacity of mental health service delivery in Sint Maarten. This restructuring requires an additional...
This report is a comprehensive analysis of Ghana's health system, focusing on the Patient Pathway Analysis (PPA) and Summative Network Analysis (SNA). It highlights the implementation of Networks of Practice...
Ratings for the Health and Nutrition Services Access Project for Lao Peoples Democratic Republic were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the monitoring and...
The development objective of the Bangladesh - Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Development Program-for-Results is to support a subset of the Government’s program in the two targeted divisions (Chattogram...
Báo cáo bao gồm: Phần 1 phân tích vai trò quan trọng của thương mại trong quá trình công nghiệp hóa và phát triển nhanh chóng của Việt Nam trong ba thập kỷ qua. Phần 2 nêu bật những hạn chế mới nổi đối...
The report consists of the following: Section 1 analyzes the crucial role trade played in Viet Nam’s rapid industrialization and development over the last three decades. Section 2 highlights the emerging...