The development objective of the Institutional Foundations to Improve Services for Health Project for Liberia is to improve health service delivery to women, children, and adolescents in Liberia. The main...
El sistema de salud colombiano afronta dificultades para brindar atención de alta calidad a todo los colombianos, particularmente los que dependen del sistema público, y está poco preparado para los...
La forma de ser paraguaya está colmada de positividad y sosiego con acento guaraní. Aún en tiempos difíciles no es raro oír a un paraguayo decir que todo está “super tranquilo” o “iporãmbaite” (todo...
The reimbursable advisory services (RAS) regarding the capacity building to accelerate the transition from institutional to community-based care for children deprived of parental care are provided by the...
Ukraine is undergoing important reforms in the health system, and there is an increasing interest among national as well as international actors in improving mental health services. The aim of this assessment...
En este documento se presentan los argumentos económicos, sanitarios y de reducción de la pobreza que sirven de justificación para elevar los impuestos al tabaco. Se describen también las ambiciosas reformas...
The development objective of Emergency Health Project is to support the government of Jordan in maintaining the delivery of primary and secondary health services to poor uninsured Jordanians and Syrian...
This note is a part of a series of policy notes prepared by the World Bank in anticipation of a post-conflict transition in Yemen. These notes aimed to identify immediate priorities for stabilization...
Strong economic growth in recent years has helped reduce poverty to 43 percent of the population. Yet, as Africa’s population expands, it is estimated to reach 2.5 billion by 2050, the region faces a critical...
Following decades of double-digit growth that lifted more than 600 million people out of poverty, China's economy has slowed in recent years. The moderating growth adds a new sense of urgency to strengthening...
The trade at a glance tables for Rajasthan provide a snapshot of key aspects of population, poverty and inequality, income and growth, jobs, health, education, infrastructure and amenities, and recent...
While on-track for child health and maternal health MDGs, Lao PDR continues to have some of the worst maternal and child health (MCH) outcomes, both globally and in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region...