Health care systems are at the frontline of delivering critical care during emergencies, mitigating illnesses and deaths. Yet many countries struggle to meet even routine demands for health care. Climate...
The World Bank’s Health Financing Global Solutions Group in collaboration with the Global Financing Facility and the Joint Learning Network Health Financing Technical Initiative, along with P4H and other...
Después de más de dos años de la pandemia, la evidencia es clara: COVID-19 ha desatado una crisis socioeconómica y de salud sin precedentes y ha devastado comunidades en toda América Latina y el Caribe...
More than two years into the pandemic, the evidence is clear: COVID-19 has unleashed an unprecedented socioeconomic and health crisis, and devastated communities across Latin America and the Caribbean...
In April 2022, a technical workshop was organized in Sughd province, Tajikistan to discuss the Performance-Based Finance (PBF) program, the Per Capita Financing (PCF) program, and the existing work supported...
Pandemia de Coronavirus (COVID-19) a avut un efect profund la nivelul societății românești, care nu s-a confruntat niciodată cu o criză de sănătate de asemenea amploare. Orașele din România au trebuit...
Elderly care is an area of growing importance for the Slovak Republic. The national system for health and social care does not offer a framework of integrated elderly care provision. However, there are...
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had a profound effect at the level of the Romanian society, that has never faced a health crisis of such magnitude. Romanian cities had to adapt their budgets, modality...
Správa Slovakia Catching Up Regions sa zaoberá Modelom integrovanej starostlivosti o seniorov vo funkčnom zoskupení obcí Južný Gemer.
This report summarizes the finding of an assessment of Public Financial Management (PFM) in Health in Lao People’s Democratic Republic undertaken jointly by the Governance and the Health, Nutrition and...
This news release, dated April 28, 2005, announces the World Bank approved a United States (U.S.) 300 million dollars credit to assist the Government of Bangladesh improve access to and the quality of...
This news release, dated January 26, 2005, announces the World Bank approved a United States (U.S.) 46.7 million dollars credit from the International Development Association (IDA) to support the Government...
This news release, dated December 2, 1982, announces Peru’s newly adopted national primary health care program will be supported by a loan of 33.5 million dollars from the International Bank for Reconstruction...