This study employs a cluster randomized controlled trial and administrative health center data to investigate the effects of authorizing community health workers to deliver a new generation of contraceptive...
The development objective of Improving Mental Health Services Project in Sint Maarten is to improve the capacity of mental health service delivery in Sint Maarten. This restructuring requires an additional...
Ratings of Development Policy Financing with Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option Project for Bhutan were as follows: overall outcome was moderately satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was satisfactory...
Pakistan is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change. Extensive geographical diversity and exposure to a wide range of climate-related hazards, a strong dependency on agriculture...
Through proactive and visionary leadership, Abu Dhabi was able to use the COVID-19 crisis to accelerate the introduction and adoption of digital health tools to protect the health of at-risk populations...
Female sex workers are a key population who experience a disproportionately high burden of HIV and sexually transmitted infections. A growing body of evidence suggests that financial incentives can reduce...
In the wake of the pandemic, the greatest obstacle to COVID-19 vaccination in the Caribbean is vaccine acceptance and uptake rather than supply. Social media surveys were conducted in three Caribbean countries...
The development objective of Improving Mental Health Services Project in Sint Maarten is to improve the capacity of mental health service delivery in Sint Maarten. This project has three components. 1)...
Sëmundjet jokomunikuese (NCD) pengojnë zhvillimin e kapitalit njerëzor për brezat e tanishëm dhe të ardhshëm. NCD-të janë kushte kronike që shpesh janë të patrajtueshme dhe kërkojnë një monitorim të ngushtë...
El presente estudio propone identificar y analizar el funcionamiento de las redes formales e informales abocadas al servicio médico oncopediátrico en Argentina, con el fin de determinar los desafíos para...
Ratings of Improving Health Sector Performance Project for Djibouti were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was modest...
This report attempts to provide a comprehensive summary of the relevant indicators of mental health and present a detailed analysis of the cost of psychiatric care, particularly highlighting the cost of...
This study investigates whether Twitter data can be used to infer attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination with an application to the Arabic speaking world. At first glance, anti-vaccine sentiment estimated...
Pakistan’s immunization program has made great strides in the last two decades, especially regarding increased vaccine coverage. Important challenges remain, however : for example, Pakistan continues to...
In this working paper, an exploration of available data and information is conducted and findings presented, to support the view that the dichotomous business model and related harm reduction narrative...
The development objective of Strengthening of Civil Society Organization (CSO) and Youth Organizations to Improve Health and Nutrition Gains for Women, Children and Adolescents Project for World is enhancing...
The health sector provides an important knowledge base to draw on, both from the perspective of using RBF and in terms of the challenges it faces in ensuring quality service provision, particularly in...
Education and health generally have a higher standard in towns compared to rural areas, the local authorities playing a key role in ensuring the infrastructure for these services. In the survey conducted...
The environmental issues are increasingly important for the people living in the Romanian cities and towns. Air pollution, traffic and health infrastructure are the three main problems identified by citizens...