Territorial development theory and practice have witnessed significant change in recent times. This change has increasingly put the spatial dimension at the center of development policies. Although agglomeration-focused...
Informality is a multidimensional development challenge with features that potentially differ across workers, firms, and countries. This paper first briefly summarizes the literature, discusses the multiple...
This paper combines official subnational and remote-sensed data to uncover the relationships between business cycles in Türkiye and the corresponding changes in economic activity at lower levels of spatial...
The paper documents the evolution of territorial disparities in labor and location productivity in 14 countries in Latin America, using millions of observations from harmonized household surveys and censuses...
Acest raport trece în revistă experiența Europei în conducerea politicii EC. Scopul său nu este doar de a evidenția caracteristicile și realizările sale, ci și de a identifica barierele existente în calea...
The purpose of this poverty assessment is to shine a new light on poverty, inequality, and its drivers in Costa Rica. The report provides a descriptive overview of poverty trends in the country and examines...
The literature suggests that one of the main factors behind the interstate inequality in economic development in India is the variation in the level of infrastructure development. However, unequal infrastructure...
With eight in ten of its people living in rural areas, Burkina Faso is one of the most rural countries in the world. Welfare has been improving for Burkina Faso’s rural households, but slowly, and faster...
The Poverty and Agriculture Global Practices of the World Bank are undertaking Rural income diagnostics in five countries to answer the question: “what are the main constraints and opportunities for faster...
The objective of the Second Regional and Municipal Infrastructure Development Project for Georgia is to improve access to and quality of municipal services and infrastructure. Some of the negative impacts...
The Ibero-America Day (IAD), which took place at the beginning of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) 2011 Puebla Conference, was a celebration of diversity within the region that...