Facilitating access to financial services is a core component of most economic inclusion programs, which aim to build resilience and create opportunities for poor and vulnerable households. These programs...
Le Togo a accompli des progrès considérables sur le plan du développement au cours de la dernière décennie, mais il est toujours freiné par la lenteur de la transformation structurelle et un grand fossé...
The evidence so far is mixed as to whether educational entertainment (or “edutainment”) can create sustainable changes in financial attitudes and behaviors, and few studies have tested such hypotheses...
Швидко зростаючі компанії середнього розміру є важливим сегментом малих і середніх підприємств (МСП) і є критично важливими постачальниками робочих місць, інновацій, товарів і послуг на розвинених ринках...
The objective of this assessment is to identify gender and social inclusion gaps with respect to equitable access to clean and modern energy in the Horn of Africa (HoA) borderlands, specifically in Djibouti...
The Strengthening Social Protection for Improved Resilience, Inclusion, and Targeting Project aims to expand coverage and strengthen the delivery of the national social protection system for the poor in...
Ratings for the Emergency Basic Education Support Project for the Central African Republic were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the Bank's performance was moderately satisfactory, and...
This report identifies the unique technological challenges and opportunities faced by various Azerbaijani communities when using digital tools and services, particularly in rural areas. The findings will...
This paper presents a one-World Bank Group (WBG) framework for understanding and implementing digital public infrastructure (DPI) to accelerate safe and inclusive digital transformation. DPI is an approach...
Interest Bearing Notes is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Research Team in the World Bank’s Development Research Group. It reports on research by the team, as well as non-World Bank research...
Mientras que el 22.5% de los hombres graduados de educación terciaria en Uruguay obtiene títulos en programas de CTIM, el porcentaje de mujeres es solo 10%. Aunque en descenso, la tasa de fertilidad...
En el ejercicio de 2024, el Grupo Banco Mundial adoptó una nueva y audaz visión de un mundo sin pobreza en un planeta habitable. Para lograrlo, está llevando a cabo reformas que le permitan convertirse...
The development objective of Youth Employment Opportunities Project is to increase productivity and access to employment opportunities among targeted youth in Angola. This project has three components...
The topic of Pensions and Pension policy is often seen as too complicated by the general public. Even professionals working in public policy oftentimes avoid getting into this topic due to its technical...
Quoiqu’en baisse, le taux de fécondité des adolescentes en Haïti demeure plus élevé que la moyenne pour les pays à revenu intermédiaire. Il existe un écart de 5,3 points de pourcentage entre les...
The development objective of the Resilient and Accessible Microfinance (RAM) Project for Pakistan is to enhance access to microcredit and support resilience of the microfinance sector and its borrowers...