Ratings of Family Support Project for Sudan were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some...
The government of Mauritania and the World Bank collaborated to implement a Family Dialogue pilot that targets the recipients of Tekavoul, the national cash transfer program and combines a couple’s training...
The development objective of the COVID-19 Social Protection Emergency Response Project for Morocco is to mitigate the negative impacts of the COVID-19 crisis by providing emergency cash transfers and guaranteeing...
Ratings for the Basic Protection Project are as follows: Outcome was moderately satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was low or negligible, Bank performance was satisfactory, and Borrower performance...
The development objectives of Children and Youth Protection Project for Argentine Republic are to: (i) expand coverage of the Family Allowances programs; and (ii) improve transparency of social protection...
The Government of Uzbekistan intends to establish a new approach to identify and select beneficiaries of family allowances by piloting the implementation of a single registry in Syrdarya region (and its...
This report presents the results of a diagnostic study on the targeting of social protection programs in Uzbekistan with a specific focus on low-income family allowances. The objective is to determine...
This report presents the results of a diagnostic study on the targeting of social protection programs in Uzbekistan with a specific focus on low-income family allowances. The objective is to determine...