Cooking with electricity could make a significant contribution to achieving Sustainable Development Goal No.7 by simultaneously enabling cost-effective access to modern energy and clean cooking, and proposing...
Cooking with electricity could make a significant contribution to achieving Sustainable Development Goal No.7 by simultaneously enabling cost-effective access to modern energy and clean cooking, and proposing...
The activity on ‘Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in the Prešov Region’ is designed to assess the existing regulatory framework and financial alternatives and recommend strategic planning...
Over the next decade, energy consumption in the residential subsector is expected to grow faster than in the rest of the building sector owing to expected increases in both the number of households and...
Armenia and Georgia are taking the climate change agenda seriously and contributing to efforts for mitigating global climate change through various ways, including preparation of low-carbon development...
The Private Sector Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project has helped increase privately owned and operated energy production in Turkey from renewable sources - hydro, wind and geothermal. However...