Même si la scolarisation des filles dans le secondaire s’est améliorée en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre depuis 1990, le rythme des progrès a stagné au cours des 15 dernières années. Dans de nombreuses...
This study conducted a randomized experiment to improve participation in a youth employment program in Côte d'Ivoire by testing text message outreach methods. Sending text messages highlighting that the...
Armenia is progressing in closing the gender gap by ensuring: equal school enrollment at primary and secondary levels; more women studying in some STEM fields at universities (54 percent of mathematics...
L'engagement de Madagascar ä développer son capital humain est rendu évident par la forte volonté du Gouver- nement de faire avancer les réformes qui feront la différence pour son plus grand atout, son...
Հայաստանն առաջադիմում է գենդերային բացը փակելու հարցում՝ ապահովելով. տարրական եւ միջնակարգ մակարդակներում հավասարազոր դպրոցների ընդունելությունը; համալսարաններում STEM-ի որոշ ոլորտներում սովորող կանանց...
This paper uses microdata from the Labor Force and Household Surveys conducted in Afghanistan to show the wage premium differences for education between men and women, documenting a significantly larger...
Even though girls’ enrollment in secondary school in Western and Central Africa has improved since 1990, the rate of progress has stagnated over the last 15 years. In many parts of the world, including...
This study examined whether psychosocial stimulation, parental distress, and enrollment in pre- primary education had different associations with early child development outcomes for boys and girls in...
Educating girls has a myriad of benefits ranging from greater empowerment and economic opportunities to improved health outcomes and reduced poverty. In Pakistan, school-age children, especially girls...
In low- and middle-income countries, more than half the children cannot read and understand a short age-appropriate text by the end of primary school. This learning crisis threatens countries’ efforts...
Affirmative action is a promising solution to the crucial challenge of bridging the gap in women's access to higher education in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This paper uses public universities'...
As Bangladesh aspires to move up the value chain and become an upper middle-income country, there have to be significant gains in quality and relevance of skills imparted by the secondary education system...
This paper examines the effect of exposure to extremist ideologies in the home country on the subsequent integration of refugees in host countries. For this purpose, it combines a rich census of Afghan...
As the COVID-19 pandemic led to a historic and widespread shutdown of schools across the world, including in Sub-Saharan Africa, there were general concerns that girls would be disproportionately affected...
From 1965 to 1985, the number of schools doubled in developing countries, but little is known about their impacts on intergenerational educational mobility. This paper studies the effects of 61,000 public...
Although slowly declining, St. Lucia’s adolescent fertility rate remains higher than the average for upper middle-income countries. Boys are 9 percentage points less likely than girls to complete lower...
The development objective of the Girls Learning and Empowerment Project for Congo, Democratic Republic of is to improve safe and equitable access to education, particularly for girls, and teaching-learning...
Young women in Argentina are 5 percentage points more likely than young men to be out of employment, not in education, or training. Boys are 5 percentage points less likely than girls to complete lower...
Only 1 in 3 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) graduates in Honduras is a woman. Young women are almost 29 percentage points more likely than young men to be out of employment, not...