Nicaragua remains at moderate risk of external and overall debt distress with substantial space to absorb shocks. Under the baseline scenario, external debt burden indicators and the present values (PV)...
The Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) assesses Comoros’ external and overall debt as sustainable including in the medium term but continuing to remain at high risk of debt distress. Although debt indicators...
Benin’s overall and external public debt remains at moderate risk of debt distress, unchanged from the previous Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA). All projected external debt burden indicators remain...
Côte d’Ivoire’s overall and external public debt remain at moderate risk of debt distress and show significative improvements compared to the DSA prior to the debt management operation (DMO) completed...
São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) remains in debt distress, due to prolonged unsettled external arrears of around 1.6 percent of GDP at end-2023. Nevertheless, staff assesses that the country has the capacity...
The Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) assesses Moldova at low risk of external debt distress and at moderate risk ooverall public debt distress, unchanged from the previous assessment.1 Moldova’s public...
This low-income countries debt sustainability analysis (LIC-DSA) provides a streamlined update to the April 2024 LIC-DSA, adding two elements: (i) US 125 million dollars under the World Bank’s Development...
The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) is assessed to be in external and overall debt distress under the low-income countries’ debt sustainability framework (LIC-DSF). The Lao PDR is assessed to be...
This background paper delves deeper into the analysis of technical aspects of the LIC-DSF econometric model and implementation, the use of debt-carrying capacity as tool to parsimoniously capture country...
The risk of debt distress rating for Tonga remains high. Before the pandemic, Tonga’s indebtedness had gradually declined from FY20152 to FY2019 owing to much-needed fiscal consolidation. Since 2020, however...
High debt and limited fiscal space demand fiscal consolidation. However, cutting spending should not compromise long-term growth. Public investment should be protected, avoiding wasteful projects. Cuts...
Lesotho’s risk of external and overall debt distress remains moderate, with broadly unchanged risks to debt sustainability since the last debt sustainability analysis (DSA). The fiscal surplus in FY23-24...
Following the 2020 Management Action Record (MAR) reforms, World Bank Group (WBG) Management prepares an annual self-assessment of its progress toward implementing the full range of outstanding Independent...
This Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) assesses Togo to be at moderate risk of external debt distress and high overall risk of public debt distress—unchanged from the last DSA.2 Judgement was applied...
The debt sustainability assessment remains unchanged compared to the January 2024 DSA update and the July 2023 full DSA. The overall and external public debt are assessed at high risk of distress due to...
The overall and external debt of the Republic of Congo are classified as “in distress,” reflecting the ongoing restructuring and audit of domestic arrears, as well as the recurrent accumulation of temporary...
This Low-Income Countries Debt Sustainability Analysis (LIC-DSA) provides an update of the December 2023 LICDSA. The updated LIC-DSA incorporates three new elements:(i) updated borrowing assumptions that...
Benin remains at moderate risk of external and overall debt distress, unchanged from the previous Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA). All projected external debt burden indicators remain below high-risk...
Guinea remains at moderate risk of external debt distress. All external debt ratios lie sufficiently below thresholds to allow some space to absorb shocks. The risk of overall public debt distress has...
Enterprises in Kenya encompass a diverse and dynamic landscape, representing a crucial driver of economic growth and employment opportunities in the country. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play...