Botswana is one of the most unequal countries in the world, with inequality in per capita consumption more than 30 percent higher than the average for upper-middle-income countries. However, it has moderately...
South Africa is the most unequal country in the world, with inequality in per capita consumption about 50 percent higher than the average for upper-middle-income countries. The country has made little...
The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) is the most unequal region in the world. While there has been some progress in recent years, inequality has remained almost stagnant in the most unequal countries...
Namibia is the second most unequal country in the world, with inequality in per capita consumption about 45 percent higher than the average for upper-middle-income countries. The country has made little...
Lesotho has made considerable progress towards a more equal society. However, although it is more equal than its neighbors, it remains among the top 20 percent of unequal countries. The main sources of...
Eswatini has made the slowest progress in reducing inequality among the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) countries and remains among the top 15 percent of unequal countries. A critical source of inequality...
This paper explores why taxation reforms are so different in fragile states, the conditions in which they occur, and what can be done to make these reforms more successful - including contributing, whenever...
This paper presents a new methodology to detect collusion in customs and applies it to Madagascar’s main port. Manipulation of assignment of import declarations to inspectors is identified by detecting...
This report explores the sectors that will be instrumental for positive CU impact and competitiveness in the medium term. The initial chapter analyzes the gaps and opportunities the Kyrgyz NQI presents...
This brief is part of the World Bank Report No. 65977-KZ ‘Assessment of Costs and Benefits of the Customs Union for Kazakhstan’ published in January 2012. Trade facilitation will deepen integration through...
This brief is part of the World Bank Report No. 65977-KZ ‘Assessment of Costs and Benefits of the Customs Union for Kazakhstan’ published in January 2012. Trade facilitation will deepen integration through...
Free trade agreements lead to a rise in bilateral trade regardless of whether the signatories are developed or developing countries. Furthermore, the percentage increase in bilateral trade is higher for...
This book provides border management policymakers and reformers with a broad survey of key developments in and principles for improving trade facilitation through better border management, including practical...
Using detailed data on trade and tariffs from 1992-2007, the authors examine how the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement has affected trade with nonmembers and external tariffs facing nonmembers. First, the paper...
This paper examines the effect of regionalism on unilateral trade liberalization using industry-level data on applied most-favored nation tariffs and bilateral preferences for ten Latin American countries...
This note analyzes the trade liberalization of financial services via preferential trade agreements (PTAs) that were undertaken by countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LCR). It looks...
The authors review the international framework governing trade in financial services, describe the treatment of financial services in recent trade agreements involving Latin America and Caribbean countries...
The twelve members of the Commonwealth of Independent States established a Free Trade Area to help maintain trade among each other. More recently, Belarus, Kazakstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Russia agreed...
The twelve members of the Commonwealth of Independent States established a Free Trade Area to help maintain trade among each other. More recently, Belarus, Kazakstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Russia agreed...
Subregional trade arrangements (RTAs) in Eastern and Southern Africa have proliferated in the past 10 to 15 years. The small size of most of the countries in the region, some of which are landlocked, and...