Ratings for the Cultural Heritage Preservation and Tourism Sector Support Project for Haiti were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring...
Luang Prabang in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) and Siem Reap in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia are two of Southeast Asia’s crown jewels with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural...
The development objective of Mosul-Youth Inclusion through Cultural and Creative Industries Project for Iraq is to increase access by the targeted youth to skills development opportunities, livelihoods...
The National Seismic Risk Reduction Strategy (NSRRS) outlines the long-term objectives and priorities for reducing seismic risk in Romania by 2050, articulating these objectives with broader goals toward...
The built heritage study is divided into two main components. The first component includes an inventory of the List of Historical Monuments in Bucharest City, in its 2015 edition. This was necessary because...
Studiul patrimoniului construit este împărțit în două componente principale. Prima componentă include un inventar al Listei Monumentelor Istorice din Municipiul București, în ediția din 2015. Acest lucru...
This note discusses five main types of interventions that can help support growth and job creation in the orange economy: nurturing human capital, providing access to finance, expanding access to market...
The development objective of the Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project for China is to accelerate the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt, promote poverty reduction through industry and cultural...
The development objective of the Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project for China is to improve local economy and living conditions in selected communities in Gansu Province. Some of the negative...
The development objective of the Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project for China is to accelerate the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt, promote poverty reduction through industry and cultural...
The development objective of Project for Integrated Urban Economic Development (PIUED) for Albania is to improve urban infrastructure, enhance tourism assets, and strengthen institutional capacity to support...
The development objective of the Inclusive Partnerships for Agricultural Competitiveness Project for Philippines is to improve access to markets and enhance the competitiveness of smallholder farmers in...
The objectives of the Anhui Yellow Mountain New Countryside Demonstration Project for China are to: (i) submit Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project to the environmental protection departments...
Many of Bhutan's cultural heritage sites, such as dzongs (fortresses), monasteries, and stupas (relic mounds), are today in active use virtually as they have for centuries, constituting what is known as...