Togo has achieved significant development gains over the last decade, but progress is still held back by slow structural transformation and a large urban-rural divide. Togo was able to achieve relatively...
Climate change will have implications for the sustainability of Africa’s fisheries sector, with knock-on consequences for local livelihoods, income, nutrition security, and economic development. The effects...
Governments face the complicated challenge of making policy decisions relating to coastal and marine ecosystems without a well-established body of knowledge about such systems. To complicate matters, the...
Climate change impacts the planet overall, and the Blue Economy is not exempt from these effects. On the contrary, the ocean is a major regulator of global and regional weather, and ocean acidification...
Africa has significant potential to improve its climate-smart sustainable development by focusing on the Blue Economy. However, efforts to reach this potential are stymied by poor access to relevant data...
El momento de actuar para construir un futuro mejor y una recuperación verde nunca ha sido más fuerte mientras navegamos por la incertidumbre de un mundo que intenta resolver una triple crisis: sostenibilidad...
تواجه اليمن مجموعة معقدة من التحديات المتعلقة بالترابط بين التنمية والصراع والمناخ والتي تظهر تباينًا إقليميًا كبيرًا. واليوم، تعد اليمن واحدة من أكثر البلدان ضعفًا وأقلها استعدادًا للتعامل مع نتائج تغير...
Clean hydrogen is emerging as a key component of the global transition to clean energy, offering a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. It can help boost energy security, improve air quality, and support...
The development objective of the State of Alagoas Sustainable Development Policy Loan for Brazil is to support reforms of the state of Alagoas to strengthen policies for the sustainable use of public resources...
Ratings for the Ozone Depleting Substances Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) Phase-Out Project (ODS3) for Jordan were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and...
The development objective of the Third Strengthening Human Capital for a Resilient Morocco Development Policy Financing for Morocco is to improve protection against health risks, human capital losses during...
The development objective of the Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Program Project for Bhutan is to support building, protecting, and utilizing human capital in Bhutan. This additional financing (AF)...
The first report in this series, The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2021: The Potential to Scale (SEI 2021; Andrews et al. 2021), established a baseline of the global landscape and introduced a common...
Madagascar’s vulnerability to climate change has been underscored by the recent deficit in rainfall at the start of the rainy season (October - December 2024). The latest climate modeling for Madagascar...
Pour relever le défi important de la pollution atmosphérique et de ses conséquences négatives sur la santé de la population, les décideurs politiques ont besoin de données pour comprendre la situation...
To address the important challenge of air pollution and the negative health consequences for their population, policymakers need data to both understand the current situation and assess the impact of policies...
This report explores the case for introducing innovative insurance products for businesses within the tourism industry that leverage and conserve coastal and marine ecosystems. It presents an overview...
The development objective of Preparedness and Enhancing Resilient Communities Project for Suriname is to (i) enhance climate adaptation and reduce flood risk in Greater Paramaribo, and (ii) increase access...
The development of objective of the Integrated Statistics and Economic Planning Capacity Building Project for Somali is to strengthen the national statistical system in the collection, processing, and...
The development objective of Climate Resilient Transport Project for Samoa is to upgrade the full length of West Coast Road and improve the climate resilience of the road connections between Apia and Faleolo...