This study examines development challenges and opportunities in the border provinces through multiple analytical lenses. Our analysis begins with an assessment of border provinces' economic potential using...
Customs have been at the core of development concerns, especially in developing countries. In this context, customs are developmentally important to the extent that they sit at the intersection between...
Depending on the nature of the threat and the type of transaction and transport, the ability to profile risk and the type of potential risk-mitigation intervention will be different. If the predominant...
Improving levels of trade facilitation is one of the remaining challenges to enhancing connectivity and trade growth in South Asia, but border and internal security concerns are often perceived as a barrier...
The Seasonal Worker Program (SWP), which was informed by the Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme (PSWPS), represents the first effort by an Australian government to explicitly open low-skilled work opportunities...
The objective of the Kabul Aybak Mazar-e-Sharif Power Project for Afghanistan is to help provide reliable and quality power to the consumers in the target areas of the cities of Kabul, Aybak, and Mazar-e-Sharif...
The development objective of the Kabul, Aybak, and Mazar-e-Sharif Power Project for Afghanistan is to help provide reliable and quality power to the consumers in the target areas of the cities of Kabul...
Highlighted in the 2009 annual impact report of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is an evaluation undertaken by the GEF's Evaluation Office to assess the impact of GEF financing in the ozone portfolio...
Chile's Regions have become an important subject of policy in recent years. The government has been seeking to give Regional Governments a greater voice and a larger role in local development. In addition...
The aim of this study is to give an overview of the evolution of Turkey's agricultural policies in recent decades, to examine the extent to which they may have distorted incentives, and to attempt an explanation...
This note provides an explanation of the concepts of the "back to back" and "door to door" movement of goods from the international perspective, and seeks to define an approach that will work in the local...
This note should be read alongside "An Assessment of Progress in Improving Passages and Trade Facilitation" (World Bank Technical Team, June 19, 2005). It is intended to help the parties design border...
Agricultural protection, particularly in high income countries, have induced overproduction, thereby depressing world commodity prices and reducing export shares of countries which do not support agriculture...