This paper applies novel techniques to long-standing questions of aid effectiveness. It first replicates findings that donor finance is discernibly but weakly associated with sector outcomes in recipient...
Do elites capture foreign aid? This paper documents that aid disbursements to highly aid-dependent countries coincide with sharp increases in bank deposits in offshore financial centers known for bank...
The February newsletter highlights new approaches to fighting corruption via three case studies: Tunisia under Ben Ali, customs in Madagascar, and financial flows into offshore financial centers known...
This policy memo outlines the main points raised and discussed by the representatives ofthe Yemeni private sector in a meeting that was held in Amman on 27th January, 2019. Themeeting was a follow up of...
The 2008 Joint Declaration on Post-Crisis Assessments and Recovery Planning envisions a common platform for action for the European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN), and the World Bank. The most prominent...
In this meeting Executive Directors discussed the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Afghanistan for FY17-FY20. Directors welcomed the progress that has been achieved in Afghanistan and the government’s...
The study uses a cluster-randomized trial among 1,578 children from 979 households in rural El Salvador to test the impacts of TOMS shoe donations on children's time allocation, school attendance, health...
This paper explores two relationships, first between country characteristics and the quality of public financial management ('drivers'), and second between the quality of public financial management systems...
This paper uses regression analysis to identify which country context, reform content, process, and project management variables predict the performance of public sector management projects, as measured...
A major element in the design of a legal aid system is its fiscal viability. This requires that important decisions be made regarding the scale and scope of public access to legal aid. That is, critical...
The author uses a novel loan-level dataset covering lending by official creditors to developing country governments to construct an instrument for government spending. These loans typically finance multiyear...
The 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness sets targets for increased use by donors of recipient country systems for managing aid. It also calls for donors to be more responsive to the quality of...
Supporting effective public sector reform is a major challenge that the World Bank and other agencies and stakeholders have been grappling with. It is increasingly recognized that political economy factors...
This paper uses a novel loan-level dataset covering lending by official creditors to developing country governments to construct an instrument for public spending that can be used to estimate government...
Afghanistan will experience a major security and development transition over the next three years. At the Kabul and Lisbon Conferences in 2010, NATO and the Afghan government agreed that full responsibility...
The 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness sets targets for increased use by donors of recipient country systems for managing aid. The target is premised on a view that country systems are strengthened...
Understanding how to rebuild resilient states in post-conflict countries is an urgent priority for the international community. A new cross-country study of public financial management reforms in post-conflict...