The global agrifood system has been largely overlooked in the fight against climate change. Yet, greenhouse gas emissions from the agrifood system are so big that they alone could cause the world to miss...
The global agrifood system has been largely overlooked in the fight against climate change. Yet, greenhouse gas emissions from the agrifood system are so big that they alone could cause the world to miss...
GDP tăng 7,4% (so với cùng kỳ năm trước) trong quý III/2024, mức cao nhất trong hai năm vừa qua, chủ yếu nhờ xuất khẩu các mặt hàng phi công nghệ và sự phục hồi dần của nhu cầu trong nước. Bão Yagi đổ...
Esta es la segunda edición de la Actualización Económica de Guinea Ecuatorial. En este informe del Banco Mundial se describe la evolución económica reciente de Guinea Ecuatorial, las perspectivas económicas...
This report aims to summarize the third edition of the World Bank FAO Knowledge Session series, including the topics covered, the countries featured and the impact of the various sessions. The report is...
This impact evaluation (IE) seeks to build evidence on agricultural extension provision, leveraging the upcoming Farmer Field School (FFS) program which will be rolled-out in the context of the EU financed...
This impact evaluation (IE) aims to generate substantial evidence about demand and supply side determinants and constraints to widespread adoption of modern agricultural inputs in Mozambique. The impact...