As the global population rapidly ages, there is a pressing need for approaches to promote health, well-being, and productivity across the life course (Beard and Bloom 2015; Bloom and Sousa-Poza 2013)...
The global demographic landscape is at a crossroads, with rapid declines in fertility and aging populations holding profound implications for employment, social services, and wellbeing. Population aging...
The global demographic landscape is at a crossroads, with rapid declines in fertility and aging populations holding profound implications for employment, social services, and wellbeing. Population aging...
El panorama demográfico mundial se encuentra en una encrucijada, con una rápida disminución de la fertilidad y el envejecimiento de la población que tienen profundas implicaciones para el empleo, los servicios...
Providing care for older parents or parents-in-law significantly reduces the probability of employment and annual earnings, particularly among women and intensive caregivers, which remains the most prevalent...
Health care systems must be prepared to address the expanding and complex needs of an aging population. Rather than a “silver challenge,” this situation should be seen as an opportunity to reevaluate and...
Bhutan is experiencing a rapid process of population ageing and a related shift in mortality and burden attributable to noncommunicable diseases. This brief first highlights the health financing challenges...
Recently accepted into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Colombia is an upper-middle-income country experiencing both demographic and epidemiological transitions that are...
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, as of 2011, about 15 percent of the global population suffered from disabilities (WHO 2011). Although more recent estimates are not available, the evidence...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are one of the major health and development challenges of our time, impacting not only higher income countries, but increasingly lower income ones as well. It is important...
This report analyses the functional capacities of older people and the sociodemographic characteristics of caregivers and develops a model to estimate the costs of ALTC provision and the effect that different...
The objective of this toolkit is to provide a set of guiding questions to collect data for a comprehensive description of an LTC landscape in any country. Such a tool should cover all the areas that makeup...
Through proactive and visionary leadership, Abu Dhabi was able to use the COVID-19 crisis to accelerate the introduction and adoption of digital health tools to protect the health of at-risk populations...
The development objective of Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project for China is to support establishment and management of diversified aged care service system of Anhui Provincial Government. Some...
The development objective of the Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project for China is to support establishment and management of diversified aged care service system of Anhui Provincial Government...
O aumento da expectativa de vida e a diminuição das taxas de mortalidade representam conquistas importantes das sociedades e, juntamente com a redução nas taxas de fecundidade, tem levado ao envelhecimento...
The purpose of this study is to assess the differences between older men and women (aged sixty and above) residing in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area in order to better understand gender disparities and...
Across Europe, strategies and services to promote ‘active ageing’ are receiving increased attention from policy makers. Policies that provide targeted care for older people are a key tool in the 'active...
Japan’s shift toward a super-aged society is being fueled by a combination of demographic factors. These include declining marriage and fertility rates and increases in life expectancy enabled by advances...
Vietnam is ranked in the group of countries with the fastest aging population in the world, even more than many developing countries. With the high rate of demand within the population, the pressure for...