This paper applies a top-down, macro-micro modeling framework that links a computable general equilibrium model with the survey-based global income distribution dynamics model to assess the economic ...
Abstract 1 change
The empirical evidence on the impact of import competition on economic performance relies mainly on import tariff liberalization as the source of changes to competition. This paper extends this evidence...
How do tariffs impact gender inequality? Using harmonized household survey and tariff data from 54 low- and middle-income countries, this paper shows that protectionism has an anti-female bias. On average...
The objectives of the report are: fundamental source of data and intelligence for negotiators (in all areas); and critical to prepare the private sector for the gradual transition towards trade liberalization ...
Ethiopia is at a very promising yet critical juncture in its path towards development. Its incipient success in attracting efficiency-seeking Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in various manufacturing...
This paper studies the growth of Chinese imports into the United States from autarky during 1950–1970 to about 15 percent of overall imports in 2008, taking advantage of the rich heterogeneity in trade...
This paper studies how productivity and markups respond to non-tariff measures. The analysis uses a novel time-varying data set on all non-tariff measures applied to imported products by Indonesia...
Firms anticipate upcoming tariff changes by shifting their purchases to periods with lower costs. This paper shows that such anticipatory dynamics overstate the trade elasticity. Standard identification...
This paper examines the impact of preferential trade agreements on the duration of antidumping protection. It employs a two-step selection model where the first step accounts for the impact of preferential...
The majority of services trade is currently transacted under the terms of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) with increasingly ambitious provisions on crossborder trade and investment in services...
How does trade affect the design of preferential trade agreements (PTAs)? What is the role of global value chains (GVCs)? The authors answer these questions by empirically investigating the causal impact...
Do preferential trade agreements (PTAs) lead to greater market integration, more intense competition and less market power for firms? This paper integrates the detailed data on 257 preferential trade...
This paper estimates trade barriers in government procurement, a market that accounts for 12 percent of world GDP. Using data from inter-country input-output tables in a gravity model, the paper finds...
The response of import prices to exchange rates can be used to predict the effect of changes in trade policy. The hypothesis of symmetric pass-through of tariffs and exchange rates asserts that the...
Services - ranging from transport and telecommunications to health and education - account for an overwhelming share of overall economic activities, generating more than two-thirds of gross domestic...
This paper studies the effects on international trade from the annual tariff uncertainty about China’s Most Favored Nation (MFN) status renewal in the United States prior to joining the World Trade...