This paper examines how political priority was generated for comprehensive reforms to address inequitable access to high-quality primary health care (PHC) in Romania. We apply John Kingdon’s model of political...
This paper examines how purchasing decisions in Armenia may contribute to barriers in using high-quality health care, particularly for non-communicable diseases, drawing on a review of the literature and...
The papers in this special issue illustrate in detail how Networks of Care are effective when effort is expended in four interdependent domains: 1) agreement and enabling environment, 2) operational standards...
The road to universal health coverage (UHC) needs not be driven by big reforms that include the initiation of health insurance, provider–funder separation, results-based financing, or other large health...
This article identifies and describes the reforms undertaken by the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) and examines their implications for Kenya’s quest to achieve universal health coverage (UHC)...
The way governments manage resources through the budget cycle has important implications for health policy and whether governments achieve societal objectives such as efficiency, equity, quality, and accountability...
In the last decade, Zimbabwe has undertaken substantial changes and implemented new initiatives to improve health system performance and services delivery, including results-based financing in rural health...
Zambia has implemented a number of financing and organizational reforms since the 1990s aimed at increasing efficiency, enhancing equity, and improving health outcomes. This study reviews the distributional...
Universal health coverage (UHC) can be a vehicle for improving equity, health outcomes, and financial well-being. After publication of the World Health Organization’s report in 2010, many countries declared...
Progress toward universal health care (UHC) in Africa will require sustained increases in public spending on health and reduced reliance on out-of-pocket financing. This article reviews trends and patterns...
Since 2013, the government of Malawi has been pursuing a number of health reforms, which include plans to increase domestic financing for health through ‘innovative financing.’ As part of these reforms...
This special issue on health financing in East and Sothern Africa comes at an opportune time. Economic growth in the region is contributing to a changing lifestyle and an increasing burden of noncommunicable...
Initially defined for overall public purposes, the concept of fiscal space was subsequently developed and adapted for the health sector. In this context, it has been applied in research andpolicy in over...
The majority of Armenian adult males smoke, yet tobacco taxes in Armenia are among the lowest in Europe and Central Asia. Increasing taxes on tobacco is one of the most cost-effective public health interventions...
Social justice, broadly defined as providing equal access to liberties, rights, and opportunitiesespecially for the least advantaged members of society, is a priority of several governments inthe Middle...
Since 2009 the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) in Lebanon has been going through a major reforminitiative to improve its contracting system with private and public hospitals. The private sector is the...
In 1999, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia enacted a law that compels private employers to covernon-Saudi employees with health insurance. In the 16 years that followed, the health sector inthe Kingdom has seen...
Dual practice, health professionals working simultaneously in the public and private sectors, is perceived to negatively impact quality of health care. While a range of policy options exists to regulate...
An increasing number of low, and middle-income countries are receiving significant investments to implement health reform strategies featuring Health Management Information System (HMIS) as a fundamental...
The World Bank and the government of Cameroon launched a performance-based financing (PBF) program in Cameroon in 2011. To ensure its rapid implementation, the performance purchasing role was sub-contracted...