Analyzing the macroeconomic consequences of a transition to a net-zero economy creates specific modeling challenges, including those related to the non-marginal nature of the required transformation, the...
As countries including Turkey embark on climate-oriented development, ensuring equality of opportunity for all will help stimulate a transition that is socially just. The aim of this note is to frame the...
Making economic development more resilient and sustainable in Turkey largely depends on the possibility to consolidate significant gains in the agriculture, fisheries, and water sectors. Climate risks...
İklim ve kalkınmayı entegre etmek, Dünya Bankası Grubu'nun 2021-25 İklim Değişikliği Eylem Planı'nın temel direklerinden biridir. Banka Grubu, uygulanmasını ilerletmek için yeni ve temel bir teşhis aracını...
Integrating climate and development is a pillar of the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Action Plan 2021-25. To advance its implementation, the Bank Group has launched a new, core diagnostic tool: the...
Integrating climate and development is a pillar of the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Action Plan 2021-25. To advance its implementation, the Bank Group has launched a new, core diagnostic tool: the...
The LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) is the second largest sector in the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) inventory of Turkey after energy. It offsets around 15-20 percent of total GHG emissions...
Climate change has costly impacts on the basic services, infrastructure, housing, and health of cities. At the same time, cities are a key contributor to climate change. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions...
The pan-European building exposure model developed by Crowley et al. (2020) as part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 SERA project (Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure...
The world is decarbonizing, and well-prepared economies will be ready to manage the risks and take advantage of the opportunities.Transition risks for Turkey arise from nations’ actions to decarbonize...
This background note aims to provide details on the macroeconomic modelling approach and results for the Turkey Country Climate and Development (CCDR) report. The Turkey CCDR explores the policy options...
As part of Decarbonizing energy pathways, and in support of the Climate change and development report (CCDR), this exploratory decarbonization analysis was performed to identify the policy and investment...