Egypt’s National Climate Change Strategy 2050, launched in May 2022 sets out an ambitious and comprehensive 324-billion-dollar plan to support a stronger, greener Egyptian economy. The Strategy integrates...
As countries invest in recovering from COVID-19, tackling the challenges associated with climate change, and addressing growing inequality, they need to sharpen their focus on efforts to ensure the realization...
Human Capital is the combination of the knowledge, skills, health, and resilience that people invest in and accumulate throughout their lives. By building these up, people can be more productive, flexible...
This report presents key findings and recommendations based on a series of analytical activities regarding resilient cities and coastal economies that were conducted as part of the preparation of the full...
The 2022 World Bank Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for Egypt highlights three emerging features at the intersection of climate and development challenges in the country. The first is high...
This note presents an overview of climate change risks and priorities to respond to coastal and marine economy and is organized into six sections. Section 2 focuses on the climate change risk to coastal...
Climate change will exacerbate Egypt’s current vulnerabilities, with the potential to deepen persistent human development and spatial disparities. Climate change increases the uncertainty in availability...
Climate change will exacerbate Egypt’s current vulnerabilities, with the potential to deepen persistent human development and spatial disparities. Climate change increases the uncertainty in availability...
A growing number of central banks and regulators have issued warnings about the impact of climate risks on the stability of their financial systems. There are two key types of climate risks: physical and...
This paper focuses on the implications climate change will have on achieving private sector-led growth and on the importance of leveraging the private sector to achieve Egypt’s climate targets. It does...