The World Bank estimates that closing the gender gap in employment would increase long-run gross domestic product (GDP) per capita by 20 percent (Pennings 2022). Realizing this achievement, however, depends...
The topic of Pensions and Pension policy is often seen as too complicated by the general public. Even professionals working in public policy oftentimes avoid getting into this topic due to its technical...
What we studied and why? Research has consistently shown that removing gender barriers unlocks economic productivity, reduces poverty, deepens social cohesion, and enhances well-being for current and future...
Who is this note for? This Guidance note is for World Bank TTLs and Social Protection practitioners to carry out country level diagnostic assessments of Parental Benefits using a ‘Parental Benefits Framework’...
Women constitute nearly half of the young working age-population in Nepal but are less likely than men to participate in the labor force. When employed, they work largely in informal, or subsistence work...
This paper carries out an evaluation of parental benefits in Argentina, building on the core elements of maternity protection set by the ILO Convention 183 but broadening it to cover needs of mothers and...
This survey questionnaire was developed under an RSR-financed study on 'Parental Benefits to Improve Women's Attachment to the Labor Market.' The questionnaire was developed by the team from Social Protection...
This paper examines parental benefits in Argentina, focusing on their role in addressing gender inequality and labor market challenges during pregnancy and post-childbirth. Drawing on the International...
This paper examines parental benefits in Argentina, focusing on their role in addressing gender inequality and labor market challenges during pregnancy and post-childbirth. Drawing on the International...
This brief focuses on long-term care (LTC) for older persons, emphasizing the areas where social protection and jobs are key to building and strengthening this agenda.2While LTC is sometimes perceived...
The note first discusses the main pillars of financial security at older ages before focusing on the status of contributory and noncontributory (or social) pension systems in developing countries. It highlights...
Recognizing that this agenda spans virtually all of the World Bank’s policy areas, this brief focuses on policies under the purview of the World Bank’s Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) agenda, especially...