Farmers in India, especially smallholders, face a number of challenges that make their income streams low and unreliable. Start-up companies have entered the agriculture sector with a fee-based revenue...
Jharkhand's livestock production is in the hands of marginal and landless farmers with women accounting for over 70 percent of the production. The JOHAR project aims to enhance and diversify household...
JOHAR is a pioneer in enabling tribal communities to be an integral stakeholder in development by ensuring availability, accessibility and utilization of water resources for agricultural development. JOHAR...
The JOHAR project was initiated in 2017 to aid targeted rural producer households to diversify and enhance their household income, and achieve a significant increase in real income until 2023 in selected...
Small and marginal farmers in India struggle for access to good quality inputs in farming of crops (seeds, fertilizers, crop protection) and livestock (stock species, breed, density, feed consumption);...
Jharkhand has a large proportion of marginal and small landholders (84 percent), who mainly practice rain-fed, single-crop subsistence farming, cultivating a low-yielding variety of paddy. A vast majority...
Layer farming is an income-generating livelihood activity wherein egg-laying poultry birds are raised by a household for the purpose of egg production on a commercial scale. The few traditional rural producer...
National Rural Livelihoods Mission, supported by the World Bank, has been implemented in Jharkhandover the past several years, and has built a robust platform of community institutions thatinclude women...