Bhutan has made significant progress in poverty reduction in the last decade. This note uses data from the Bhutan Living Standards Survey (BLSS) for 2007, 2012, and 2017 to examine trends in poverty reduction...
An economic census is a complete enumeration of a population at a point in time with respect to well-defined characteristics. The structure of the Bhutanese economy has changed rapidly over the past few...
As part of Bhutan’s evidence-based poverty reduction agenda, the Royal Government of Bhutan has made great efforts in measuring and monitoring poverty. The National Statistics Bureau (NSB) has published...
The Poverty Analysis Report (PAR) 2017 has been prepared with the objective to provide a focused picture of poverty at the National, Dzongkhags, and Thromde levels, based on the Bhutan Living Standards...
This report provides important information about the living standard of the Bhutanese as of 2017. It contains information pertaining to social and economic conditions of the country, specifically on the...