This report seeks to make a contribution to scaling up energy efficiency through improved planning and design of energy efficiency interventions in the developing countries by starting with the basic management...
TRACE 2.0 incorporates almost 100 recommendations for energy interventions. Following requests from municipal officials for more detailed technical and financial assessment, this version provides simple...
This paper entitled with Municipal Financing Delivery Model in Quezon City,Philippines, is one in a series of seven knowledge products produced by ESMAP in an attempt to help cities work through the challenges...
Birmingham’s light-emitting diode (LED) street lighting project is a small but integral component of a larger, innovative public-private infrastructure modernization effort - the Birmingham Highway Maintenance...
The project covers seven cities, encompassing nine urban local bodies: seven municipal corporations (MCs) and two urban improvement trusts (UITs). The urban local bodies are responsible for infrastructure...
The context in Ontario was encouraging for light-emitting diode (LED) programs at federal, provincial, and municipal levels. At the federal level, there were a number of incentive programs funded by the...
Vizag at night is illuminated with 91,000 streetlights that are owned by GVMC. Before Cyclone Hudhud, most of the streetlights used high-pressure sodium-vapor (HPS) or tubular fluorescent lamp (TFLs) technologies...
Guadalajara, with a population of approximately 1.5 million, is the fourth largest city in Mexico and is located in the country’s central Pacific region. Until the implementation of the current street...
The! Negawatt Challenge is a global initiative empowering technology and innovation communities to innovate around local urban challenges for the transformation of their! cities into more sustainable places...
Most public lighting is concentrated in cities, where it can constitute up to 65 percent of municipal electricity budgets. Compared to alternative forms of public lighting, LED luminaries consume less...