Fiscal year 2013 was the second year of the four-year FY2012-15 business plan for the multi-donor trust fund (MDTF), which now exceeds United States (U.S.) 24 million dollars. Asia Sustainable and Alternative...
Fiscal year 2012 (FY12) was a restart year for Asia Sustainable and Alternative Energy (ASTAE). In FY2012, ASTAE allocated United States (U.S.) $4,459,000 to new activities and disbursed U.S. $741,930...
This report documents the Lao People's Democratic Republic's success story in rapid national electrification integrated within a broader strategy of national and rural development. In fifteen years (1995-2009)...
This report presents the findings of a review carried out by Riso National Laboratory of a 30MW wind farm in Northern Luzon, The Philippines. The review was commissioned by the World Bank and is intended...
Fiscal year 2011 was the final year of the FY2007-11 business plan period. Therefore, this report reviews both fiscal 2011 and the entire business plan period that is now drawing to a close. Most of the...
The purpose of this background report is to present the findings of a study that led to the development of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Toolkit for Highway Construction and Rehabilitation (ROADEO)...
This book chronicles the development of Vietnam's rural electrification program. It tells the story of how the Vietnamese government conceived, developed, scaled up, and improved its program. It also discusses...
In Cambodia, as elsewhere, reducing rural poverty, achieving economic, social, and environmental benefits, and meeting development goals require improved access to clean and affordable energy services...
The Asia Sustainable and Alternative Energy Program (ASTAE) were created in 1992 as a Global Partnership Program (GPP). Its mandate is to scale up the use of sustainable energy options in Asia to reduce...
This report focuses on East Asia's sustainable energy development in its middle-income countries: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. This report suggests the strategic...
The objective of this study is to review international experience in offshore wind power development and draw on the lessons learned from the experience of different countries. To date, that experience...
The objective of this study is to review international experience in offshore wind power development and draw on the lessons learned from the experience of different countries. To date, that experience...
In view of the escalating global problems associated with the environment, energy, and natural resources, especially the increasing sign of global climate change, wind power is receiving more and more...
This report has been prepared based on information and data supplied by the government of the Kingdom of Tonga (GoT) and Tonga Power Limited (TPL) during a visit to Tonga in April and May 2009. The report...
More aggressive efforts to increase the efficiency of energy use are now an urgent imperative for Vietnam. Energy demand tripled over the last decade, and it is likely to triple again over the next decade...
In view of the escalating global problems associated with the environment, energy, and natural resources, especially the increasing sign of global climate change, wind power is receiving more and more...
The primary goal of a sound rural energy policy is to promote measures that will enhance the quality of life of people in rural areas by improving their access to modern energy services. The desired approach...
More than 90 percent of total household energy used in rural Cambodia comes from wood and charcoal, which will continue to be the primary energy source for many more years, especially for poorer people...
This guide has been written to assist anyone interested in running small stationary diesel powered engines on coconut oil. It is intended to be a 'how-to' guide to provide with relevant information of...
Urban heating demand in Liaoning has grown rapidly, due to rising incomes, housing sector growth, and privatization of housing. During the past decade, demand increased at an annual growth rate of 14 percent...