Ratings for the Environmentally Sensitive Tourist Areas Project for Montenegro were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, risk to development outcome was moderate, bank performance was ...
The objective of the Additional Financing for Montenegro Environmentally Sensitive Tourist Areas Project is to create ecological and commercially sustainable solid waste collection and disposal services...
The main objective of the Environmentally Sensitive Tourist Areas Project is to create ecological and commercially sustainable solid waste collection and disposal services in Montenegro coastal municipalities...
The main objective of the Environmentally Sensitive Tourist Areas Project is to create ecological and commercially sustainable solid waste collection and disposal services in Montenegro coastal municipalities...
This project paper seeks the approval of the Regional Vice President, Europe and Central Asia Region, to the Republic of Montenegro assuming responsibilities currently held by the Republic of Serbia...
The Montenegro Environmentally Sensitive Tourist Areas Project includes activities with potential impact on the environment, such as the rehabilitation of landfills for several municipalities, and the...
The Montenegro Environmentally Sensitive Tourist Areas Project includes activities with potential impact on the environment, such as the rehabilitation of landfills for several municipalities, and the...
This news release, dated September 12, 2003, announces the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a 7 million dollars credit for Serbia and Montenegro in support of the Montenegro Environmentally ...
The main objective of the Montenegro Environmentally Sensitive Tourist Areas Project is to create ecological and commercially sustainable solid waste collection and disposal services in Montenegro coastal ...