Ratings for the HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Project for Grenada were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, the risk to development outcome was substantial, Bank performance was moderately...
This amendment to the Loan and Development Credit Agreements between Grenada and the Bank and the Association for the HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Project (Loan 7140-GRD and Credit 3706-GRD) authorizes...
This news release, dated July 26, 2002, announces the World Bank approved a loan and credit worth United States (U.S.) 6.04 million dollars to Grenada for programs to curb the spread of human immunodeficiency...
The Government of Grenada's HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Project is funded under the Multi-Country APL for the Caribbean Region, with the following objectives: 1) curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic;...
The report audits biomedical waste management practices in Grenada, based on the most relevant law, the Waste Management Act (2001), only recently enforced. Regrettably, except for some general requirements...