The Decentralized Energy for Rural Transformation Program (ERTIC/IDTR) started in late 2003, with an objective to increase access in rural areas to electricity, information and communication services...
Ratings for the First Phase of the Decentralized Infrastructure for Rural Transformation Program Project for Bolivia were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the risk to development outcome...
This results profile talks about the electricity access in rural Bolivia. The project is providing new electrical services to an estimated 130,000 people in rural and urban areas of Bolivia. In rural...
This results profile talks about the electricity access in rural Bolivia. The project is providing new electrical services to an estimated 130,000 people in rural and urban areas of Bolivia. In rural...
This results profile talks about the electricity access in rural Bolivia. The project is providing new electrical services to an estimated 130,000 people in rural and urban areas of Bolivia. In rural...
The Decentralized Infrastructure for Rural Transformation Project will: (a) eliminate the non-performing Telephone Coverage Expansion sub-component, which is expected to be implemented outside the Project;...
Este marco sobre pueblos indígenas para el Proyecto de Descentralización de la Energía y la Tecnología de la Información y las Comunicaciones de Bolivia identifica las áreas de impacto y garantiza que...
Este Marco de Políticas de Reasentamientos y Servidumbres para el Proyecto de Descentralización de la Energía y la Tecnología de la Información y las Comunicaciones en Bolivia, identifica las áreas de...
The purpose of the program is to assist the government of Bolivia (GOB) in expanding and improving the delivery of infrastructure services through private-sector led mechanisms as a catalyst for the development...
Este Plan para los pueblos indígenas (PPI) del Proyecto de Infraestructura Descentralizada para la Transformación La población en las áreas de impacto son, en su mayoría, campesinos y su economía se basa...