The outcome for the School Access and Improvement Program for Djibouti was satisfactory, the sustainability was highly likely, the institutional development impact was substantial, and the Bank and borrower...
The outcome for the School Access and Improvement Program for Djibouti was satisfactory, the sustainability was highly likely, the institutional development impact was substantial, and the Bank and borrower...
This is a statement by Balmiki Prasad Singh at the meeting of December 19, 2000 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy for Djibouti.
This is a statement by Jan Piercy at the meeting of December 19, 2000 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy for Djibouti.
The objective of the School Access and Improvement Program Project in Djibouti, is to enhance the quality of education, and to increase enrollment in primary schools. The components will: 1) finance the...
This is the environmental management plan for the School Access and Improvement Project in Djibouti, and focuses primarily on the situation of the sanitary facilities at all schools, which is not only...