Ratings for the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project for Papua New Guinea were as follows: overall outcome was satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was...
The restructuring of this project is in response to the relevant request from the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) and is limited to the extension of the project closing date from December 31, 2011...
The restructuring of this project is in response to the relevant request from the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) and is limited to the extension of the project closing date from December 31, 2011...
The primary goal of the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project is to promote an efficient, safe, and reliable roads transport system in the participating provinces. Without well-maintained roads...
This Results Profile talks about promoting an efficient, safe, and reliable roads system for the people of Papua New Guinea. The supply and maintenance of roads and related infrastructure in the country...
The primary goal of the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project for Papua New Guinea, which forms a part of a possible series of World Bank interventions, is to promote an efficient, safe, and reliable...
This environmental assessment (EA) and management plan (EMP), supports the implementation of the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project, and identifies significant impacts on the environment. Construction...