This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Equatorial Guinea according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the Justice sector in Equatorial Guinea according to key performance indicators.
El Barómetro Económico de la CEMAC es una publicación semestral del Banco Mundial que ofrece un resumen de los acontecimientos recientes y la perspectiva económica de la región...
The CEMAC Economic Barometer is a semi-annual World Bank publication that presents a snapshot of recent developments and the economic outlook of the CEMAC region, followed by a brief assessment at the...
Le Baromètre économique de la CEMAC est une publication semestrielle de la Banque mondiale qui présente un aperçu des évolutions récentes et des perspectives économiques...
This Factsheet provides an overview of the tourism sector in Equatorial Guinea according to key performance indicators.
This briefing showcases the gender landscape in Equatorial Guinea on key indicators helpful for monitoring gender equality and designing effective policy interventions. Gender equality fosters productivity...
After contracting by 5.7 percent in 2023, economic activity in Equatorial Guinea is projected to pick up in 2024 mainly supported by stronger hydrocarbon output. Fiscal and external positions are expected...
After contracting by 5.7 percent in 2023, economic activity in Equatorial Guinea is projected to pick up in 2024 mainly supported by stronger hydrocarbon output. Fiscal and external positions are expected...
La Guinée équatoriale doit travailler audéveloppement du capital humain. Bien que la Guinéeéquatoriale dispose de l’un des revenus par habitant lesplus élevés...
Equatorial Guinea needs to work towards capital development. While Equatorial Guinea has one of the largest income per capita of the region, welfare conditions are disassociated with such level of income...
El Barómetro Económico de la Comunidad Económica y Monetaria de África Central (CEMAC) es una publicación semestral del Banco Mundial que ofrece un resumen de (i) la evolución...
Le Baromètre économique de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) est une publication semestrielle de la Banque mondiale qui présente un...
The CEMAC Economic Barometer is a semi-annual World Bank publication that presents a snapshot of (i) recent developments in and the economic outlook of the CEMAC region, and (ii) key development and...
This report provides an assessment of Equatorial Guinea’s digital economy, as part ofthe World Bank’s Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A) initiative. Prepared to support theimplementation...
Este informe ofrece una evaluación de la economía digital de Guinea Ecuatorial como partede la iniciativa Economía Digital para África (DE4A) del Banco Mundial. La iniciativa respalda...
Equatorial Guinea’s economy contracted by an estimated 5.8 percent in 2023, mainly due to declining oil reserves. The fiscal and external balances deteriorated amid declining oil export earnings...
Equatorial Guinea’s economy contracted by an estimated 5.8 percent in 2023, mainly due to declining oil reserves. The fiscal and external balances deteriorated amid declining oil export earnings...
Equatorial Guinea’s economy expanded by an estimated 2.9 percent in 2022, driven by the rebound in the hydrocarbon sector. The fiscal and external balances improved thanks to an increase in oil...
Equatorial Guinea’s economy expanded by an estimated 2.9 percent in 2022, driven by the rebound in the hydrocarbon sector. The fiscal and external balances improved thanks to an increase in oil...