Plastics have been a development driver for decades but have turned into a development problem due to their omnipresence in the environment. Marine litter and plastic pollution have attracted much attention...
The growth and impacts of plastic pollution have emerged as a major environmental challenge globally. Plastic pollution has a wide range of impacts on public health, ecosystems, biodiversity, and economies...
The livestock sector is a major and growing source of pollution across the world as rising global demand for animal products including beef, pork, poultry, and dairy products is leading livestock operations...
Although the agricultural sector is not the largest user of plastics, their rapid appearance on farms the world over is quietly turning into a substantial pollution concern. Versatile and economical as...
Over the past 50–60 years, unbridled growth in global fertilizer use to boost and maintain crop yields has polluted natural and agricultural systems, leading to a range of harmful outcomes. The abundant...
The practice of burning unwanted vegetation to prepare land for sowing crops or other farming activities is a worldwide and long-standing practice. Its tenacity, despite its harmful consequences for air...
This document includes references for Agricultural Pollution series notes.
Agriculture’s heavy and growing dependence on pesticides across large parts of the world, though partly fueled by pesticides’ own effectiveness, is placing an ever-rising burden on human health, biodiversity...
Global fisheries production has risen rapidly over the past 60 years at over two and a half times the rate of world population growth, and aquaculture today is among the fastest-growing food sectors. The...
This note provides guidance on the conduct of environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs) and the implementation of associated environmental and social management plans (ESMPs). Crop and livestock...
This document provides introduction by providing overall guidance on the use of terms and abbreviations across the entire notes series. Common overarching principles on responsible agricultural investment...
This note provides guidance on how to assist people from surrounding areas in gaining formal employment at the investment. Formal employment is a major expected benefit of agricultural investments. Yet...
This note provides guidance on the design and implementation of outgrower schemes to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes for investors and smallholders. Outgrower schemes have gained prominence as a business...
This note provides guidance to governments and investors on how best to support the development and transfer of technologies to local smallholders and communities. New technology can help boost production...
This note provides guidance on how to ensure that an agricultural investment generates positive impacts on the local economy by encouraging and supporting opportunities arising for individuals, farmers...
This note provides guidance on how to ensure that agricultural investments respect existing land rights, both formal and informal, and thereby avert land disputes. Failure to respect land rights - in particular...
This note provides guidance on how to ensure that the impact of agricultural investments on water resources is effectively measured, monitored, and regulated. Water is essential to agricultural production...
This note provides guidance to investors and governments on good practice in occupational health and safety policies, programs, procedures and processes, a matter of critical importance given thathalf...
This note provides guidance on the form and content of contracts between investors and governments pertaining to agricultural investments. The best guarantee of positive benefits from foreign investment...
This note supplements note 6: screening prospective investors. The investment screening process requires suitable tools for assisting government agencies in their work. This note provides examples of tools...