As a mature technology, hydropower has by far the largest installed capacity of any renewable source of electricity generation. In 1998, in the face of escalating pressure, the World Commission on Dams...
Given the broad array of issues and the complexity faced by the water sector as a whole (from irrigation to flood protection, to water conservation and hydropower), there is great demand for future exploring...
The abundance of financial resources that characterized the second half of the 1970s and early 1980s, originating in the country’s rise as an oil power, and the relatively large supply of external credit...
The abundance of financial resources that characterized the second half of the 1970s and early 1980s, originating in the country’s rise as an oil power, and the relatively large supply of external credit...
A decade ago, the contribution of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from reservoirs was estimated to be up to 7 percent of global GHG emissions from all sources. Much research on GHG emissions from reservoirs has...
The tradeoffs between energy and water have been gaining international attention in recent years as demand for both resources mount and governments continue to struggle to ensure reliable supply to meet...
This paper provides background information for development practitioners in the water and other infrastructure sectors. It outlines the major challenges related to financing the gap in global water infrastructure...
Progress in urban water supply and sanitation has been slow over the past few decades. The sector suffers from issues of equity and efficiency. Today, more than 780 million people are still without access...
The objective of this guidance note: public expenditure review from the perspective of the water supply and sanitation sector is to provide World Bank staff with a body of knowledge and good practice guidelines...
Groundwater is playing an increasingly important role in domestic, industrial and agricultural water supply. With the advent of the tube well and driven by the rapid growth of demand for agricultural and...
This note is a partial response to the above mentioned 2010 Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluation. It covers the specific issues to be addressed in the Water supply and Sanitation (WSS) sector...
The global revolution in low cost information and communication technologies can help address some of the developing world's oldest challenges in water and sanitation. More people today have access to...
In 2003, following a long and costly selection process, City Water Services (CWS), a private operator was engaged under a lease contract with the Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (DAWASA) to...
This study reviews the experience of cooperation in five international river basins, focusing on the perceptions of risks and opportunities by decision makers in countries responding to a specific prospect...
This overview paper tests current public spending patterns against the economic rationale for such spending, including reducing disparities in service delivery and overcoming market failures. Reducing...
This public expenditure review relates to public expenditures in the water and sanitation sectors in the Republic of Congo for the period 2002 to 2008. Based on analyses of trends in the sectors, this...
This public expenditure review relates to public expenditure in the water and sanitation sectors in the Democratic Republic of Congo and, more specifically, in Nord-Kivu and Katanga provinces. Based on...
The objective of this public expenditure review is to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of budget allocations to the water, sanitation, and solid waste management sector. The review concerns from...
Section one provides a concise summary of the results of the study and includes an overview of the conclusions as well as lessons learned based on the assessment of the case studies. Section two gives...