The Economic Development Institute (EDI), in partnership with the University of Maryland Business School conducted a core course on infrastructure finance in Washington, D.C., from June 15-26, 1998. A...
This report undertaken in 2006 is part of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development's (GOV) efforts to identify emerging...
This note provides an overview of the budgetary process with specific reference to allocations for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and highlights potential trouble-spots where the exercise of parliamentary...
Many leadership interventions in Madagascar and other countries have shown that focusing on leadership can be effective in leveraging and accelerating technical reforms in a variety of settings. Reinforcing...
This paper provides an analytical framework, a non-conventional thought and economic policy to get Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) on a sustained growth path to breakthrough in the 21stcentury. The paper argues...
Rapid results initiatives (RRI) are an important part of World Bank Institutes (WBI's) toolkit of leadership activities, all of which are customized to focus on the most pressing needs of a particular...
This volume demonstrates that compared with other regions, social accountability initiatives across South and Southeast Asia have a much greater element of community participation and involvement. The...
Fiscal decentralization in developing countries has been at the center stage of public sector reforms in the last two decades. Yet, a closer look at the recent reforms in the developing world indicates...
This paper forms part of the effort of the World Bank to deepen the understanding of the role of parliaments in the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) process with a view to building country ownership and...
The book assesses the current state of Russia's regional and local fiscal relations, and self-government, and analyzes the related reforms undertaken over the past decade. The analysis is based on the...
With the often substantial turnover of election officials through elections, it has become increasingly obvious that there is a huge need for orientation programs and materials for new legislators. This...
This paper, explores how the composition of public spending, and the manner in which the public resources are spent may have affected the ability of poor people to connect to growth in the 1990s. Following...
Development outreach has asked the leaders of the WDR 2005 team, Warrick P. Smith and Mary C. Hallward-Driemeier to put together the special report featured in this issue in order to provide comments by...
To help strengthen good governance and promote government account-ability and transparency, the World Bank Institute's Poverty Reduction and Economic Reform division (WBIPR) organized in collaboration...
This paper explores the contribution of parliaments to the budget process in presidential systems of government with highly centralized budgetary systems. It offers a political economy perspective on the...
For many years, World Bank knowledge and learning pertaining to social accountability stemmed from a handful of pioneering initiatives, such as those on participatory budgeting by the municipality of Porto...
During the 1990s, more than a quarter of the countries of the world revised their constitutions to include an expand the role of their legislatures. Legislative oversight is nowhere more important than...
The PRSP (Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper) process is continually evolving as countries and their development partners learn from early experience. This report is designed to assist those involved in...
The authors discuss why the often neglected study of parliamentary oversight has received increasing attention in the course of the past decade. The authors' argument in this regard, is relatively straightforward...
Este trabajo identifica los conceptos fundamentales para evaluar el impacto de las reformas de infraestructura sobre los pobres, basándose en un detallado análisis de los efectos de una década de reformas...