Against a backdrop of increasing attention to social assessment and participation issues throughout the World Bank and within the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Bank's Global Environment Coordination...
This document lists all the World Bank's Operational Directives (OD), Good Practices (GP) statements related to environmental and social operational matters. The document was prepared within the development...
Coral reefs are a precious resource, with a variety of functions, such as subsistence fishery, coastal protection, tourism, and biodiversity. The Indonesian reefs are being rapidly destroyed by a number...
The government of Mexico and a World Bank team incorporated social assessment (SA) into their analytical work when carrying out a comprehensive review of the forestry and resource conservation sector...
The Department of Education in Pakistan and the World Bank used social assessment (SA) to evaluate an experiment in community participation that promotes girl's education in Balochistan, where the idea...
Countries in transition from centrally planned to market economies face several challenges when planning investments. These include a lack of information about beneficiary groups, particularly those in...
The newest Bank supported social funds are designed explicitly to increase the participation of beneficiaries in identifying and managing microprojects, with the aim of making project activities more relevant...
When properly designed, community based programs can be highly effective in managing natural resources, providing basic infrastructure or ensuring primary social services. Participation in community based...
The irrigation sector provides a rich source of experiences and lessons in user participation. Participation by farmers in system design and management helps to ensure the sustainability of the system...
NGOs can be effective intermediaries in Bank funded projects which depend on participation and capacity building at the community level. Successful collaboration depends on identifying an organization...
Putting responsibility in the hands of farmers to determine agricultural extension programs can make services more responsive to local conditions, more accountable, more effective, and more sustainable...
The Bank's approach to country poverty assessments (PAs) is increasingly stressing the involvement of stakeholder groups, with the aim of building in-country capacity to address the problems of the poor...
Operations in the education sector can be greatly improved by increasing the participation of government officials, education professionals, local communities, and the private sector. Such participation...
The characteristics of indigenous groups make participatory approaches especially critical to safeguarding their interests int he development process. Such approaches, recognizing the right of indigenous...
The participation of users - in designing and implementing projects and managing water and sanitation services - is now being built into Bank-funded projects with the aim of increasing efficiency, equity...
Faced with a growing recognition that environmental damage threatens human welfare and undermines development prospects many countries are undertaking systematic efforts to incorporate environmental concerns...