Although the European Union (EU) and the United States have greatly increased access to their markets for products from transition economies, they continue to treat many of their new trading partners as...
Most of the papers in Parts 1 through 5 of this volume were presented at the tenth OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) Advisory Group on Privatization meeting. Parts 1 through...
This report analyzes the linkages between energy efficiency investments in multifamily buildings in FSU (former Soviet Union) countries and the institutional, policy, and social aspects of the housing...
This statistical handbook, the fifth in the series, represents a major compilation of data on the economics of the 15 independent states of the former Soviet Union -Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia...
This paper started as one of a series of overview articles initiated by the Transition Economics Division of the World Bank's Policy Research Department to review and assess the growing body of evidence...
This statistical handbook, the fourth in the series, represents a major compilation of data on the economies of the fifteen independent states of the former Soviet Union. Beginning with the 1993 edition...
Foreign trade statistics have been greatly affected by the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the economic transformation that the newly independent states are now undergoing. Previously, the measurement...
Since 1991 there has been an enormous decline in the real amount of capital formation in Russia, especially in the production sectors. At the same time, a large part of the stock of capital accumulated...
The primary objective of a mass privatization program is to create the underlying base for a market economy by privatizing state-owned enterprises as expeditiously as possible. Given the constraints in...
All fifteen of the new independent states established in the economic space of the former Soviet Union have embarked on economic reforms each at a different pace and on a different scale. All have experienced...
This book contains a collection of papers prepared at a World Bank conference held in June 1994 on privatization and private sector development in Russia. It reviews the privatization achievements of Russian...
All fifteen of the new independent states established in the economic space of the former Soviet Union have embarked on economic reforms each at a different pace and on a different scale. All have experienced...
This statistical handbook, the third in the series, represents a major compilation of data on the economies of the fifteen independent states of the former Soviet Union. Beginning with last year's edition...
In exploring the short-term macroeconomic effects of energy-supply shocks in Ukraine, this paper relies on the simplifying assumption that enterprises face economic regulation but not ownership uncertainty...
This report presents the findings of a survey of private sector firms in St. Petersburg. Services are defined as all sectors of the economy other than agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and utilities...
This report summarizes the current condition and status of women in Russia. It begins with a review of the demographic situation of women and their role in the family with special attention to single parent...
This report is an evaluation of Russia's transportation sector. It proposes courses of action to be taken to arrest the transportation decline and to manage its transition to a system more suited to a...
This report summarizes the current condition and status of women in Russia. It begins with a review of the demographic situation of women and their role in the family with special attention to single parent...
This statistical handbook represents a major compilation of data by the World Bank on the economies of the fifteen newly independence states of the former Soviet Union. The data were collected by the Bank...
Since the breakup of the USSR, trade has contracted sharply for the fifteen new independent states, both with each other and with the rest of the world. This paper analyzes the factors that contributed...