The world faces a combination of serious risks immediately ahead: the worst El Niño since 1997–98 (which we know caused global displacement of 20–30 million people, more than today’s Syrian crisis), climate...
This study was launched to make a modest beginning for systematic assessment of information and communications technology (ICT) investments in the public sector in developing countries. The effort was...
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) offer substantial opportunities for development effectiveness. ICT has a pervasive impact on competitiveness and all aspects of life in advanced economies...
The RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) rules the database roost in the 1980s and OO (Object Oriented) programming languages revolutionized software development in the 1990s. RDBMS and OO programming...
This paper examines the benchmarking process as it relates to information technology (IT). Both the traditional and the activity based approaches are discussed with pros and cons mentioned. Concentration...
This paper discusses the sub-Saharan Africa external debt problem. While no clear solutions a discussion of the origin and development of the Africa debt problem points to some mistakes of the past that...
This paper examines the prospects for rural nonagricultural development in China in light of the experience in other Asian developing countries. The paper reviews the Asian experience and some of the more...
This paper summarizes the results of empirical research on changes in the structure of expenditure, production, employment and investment in the course of economic development, with special reference to...
This study compares China's government finance sector with that of other low-income countries and draws lessons from the structural differences between the public sectors of low- and middle-income countries...
This paper examines the extent of non-tariff barriers to sixteen industrial countries' visible imports. Using three alternative measures it shows that governmental commodity-specific border-measures affect...
This paper discusses the role of technology in intensive growth, which involves reducing costs, increasing productivity and introducing new and better products. It makes estimates of total factor productivity...
Although the electronics industry in China has come a long way since 1949, Chinese authorities acknowledge that it is at least 15-20 years behind the levels of Japan and the U.S., necessitating new and...
When a country moves away from tight restrictions on trade and investment toward a more open system, it can gain significantly from increased efficiency but may also encounter intensified problems in such...
This paper examines some of the options for urbanization in China in the light of international experience. Identified are common features of the urban sector across countries, describing trade relations...
Ownership security and land rights are important incentives to increasing land productivity and hence land value. This paper reviews the development of formal and informal land rights in Thailand over...
Much of the existing literature on Argentina has emphasized the liberal nature of the economic reforms introduced during 1972-81. A major purpose of this paper is to present evidence that contradicts this...
Since the introduction of the stabilization program in Turkey in January 1980, export growth has occupied a crucial role in Turkey's development strategy. This represented a major departure from the hitherto...
The principal purpose of the monograph is to use general equilibrium methodology to explain the logical foundations of shadow prices and the techniques for deriving shadow price expressions. We first discuss...
Part I of this report uses cross country data to examine the relationship between income and broad expenditure categories and the implications of this relationship for nutritional status. The focus is...
This paper analyzes the contribution made by IDA-financed technical assistants to institutional development in macro-economic policy formulation in Togo during 1983-85. The Government's comprehensive policy...