This study examines service integration and case management practices for economic migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, and returnees, focusing on examples from seven countries. It analyzes these interventions...
Women constitute nearly half of the young working age-population in Nepal but are less likely than men to participate in the labor force. When employed, they work largely in informal, or subsistence work...
This paper proposes a dynamic regulatory framework that adapts to the evolving structural transformation of economies across sectoral, spatial, occupational, and organizational dimensions. It highlights...
This paper examines parental benefits in Argentina, focusing on their role in addressing gender inequality and labor market challenges during pregnancy and post-childbirth. Drawing on the International...
Advances in technology have the potential to enhance social protection services delivery but come with risks, such as data privacy concerns, exclusion, and biases. To use digital technologies effectively...
Sao Tome and Príncipe (STP), a lower-middle-income small island nation, is undergoing a significant wave of emigration, primarily driven by limited job opportunities and economic prospects, particularly...
São Tomé e Príncipe (STP), uma pequena nação insular de renda média-baixa, está passando por uma onda significativa de emigração, principalmente impulsionada por oportunidades de emprego limitadas e perspectivas...
The paper reviews the dynamics of human capital – mostly skills –accumulation and utilization during successful and static episodes of structural transformation in a sample of more than 90 countries over...
The central hypothesis of this research is that there is a strong, positive correlation between good management practices and firm performance, for which we find strong evidence in a survey on management...
The objective of this paper is to summarize analysis conducted to provide inputs to the Hybrid Social Protection Scheme (HSPS) pilot. Following the analysis conducted, the Benazir Income Support Program...
Across European Union (EU) countries, the institutional design of Minimum Income (MI) programs varies widely in terms of the benefits and services provided to recipients, despite significant convergence...
The rapid expansion of social safety nets in contexts affected by violence, fragility and forced displacement raises questions about whether such programs can relieve the worst forms of insecurity and...
This paper reviews the current and potential roles of social protection and jobs (SPJ) policies and mechanisms in supporting address the challenges related to climate change. Given its central role in...
Forced displacement has become more frequent in the last decades, with refugees often spending many years abroad. While international responses often focus on immediate needs, investment in refugees’ longer-term...
During the recent Covid-19 shock (2020/21), most countries used cash transfers to protect the livelihoods of those affected by the pandemic or by restrictions on mobility or economic activities, including...
With nearly 420 million children reached worldwide, school meals are among the largest-scale social protection interventions. This paper traces the evolution of school meals programs globally, examines...
This paper provides conceptual definitions and distinctions between formalization, worker protection and productivity enhancement, and examines the impact of social protection and labor market policies...
We examine recently collected data from Haiti’s social registry new shock module to measure the scale of the August 2021 earthquake’s impact on households and assess the adequacy of the relief response...
This paper offers three key contributors to the excising literature. Firstly, it reviews the use of technology across each phase of delivering social protection and labor (SPL) benefits and services. Secondly...
This case study, jointly authored by the Government of Togo and the World Bank, documents the innovative features of the NOVISSI program and posits some directions for the way forward. The study examines...