The Global Environment Facility (GEF) piloted a Resource Allocation Framework (RAF) during its GEF-4 (2006–10) replenishment period to allocate resources to countries in a transparent and consistent manner...
National portfolio formulation exercises (NPFEs) are country-level portfolio planning processes that enhance country ownership by determining programming priorities in a given Global Environment Facility...
The Final Report of the Fifth Overall Performance Study (OPS5) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) was presented at the May 2014 GEF Council meeting in Cancun. OPS5 is a comprehensive evaluation that...
The sixth annual country portfolio evaluation report (ACPER) 2013 contains a synthesis of evaluative evidence from country portfolio evaluations and country portfolio studies conducted in India, Sri Lanka...
The independent evaluation office of the global environment facility (GEF) undertook a country portfolio evaluation of GEF support to India across all GEF agencies and programs from 1991 to 2012. Given...
The 2012 annual performance report (APR) of the global environment facility (GEF) was prepared by the GEF independent evaluation office to provide GEF council members, countries, GEF agencies, and other...
The annual performance report (APR) of the global environment facility (GEF), prepared each year by the GEF independent evaluation office, provides a detailed overview of the performance of GEF activities...
Since 2007, the global environment facility (GEF) has programmed resources according to defined focal area strategies. In May 2011, the GEF council requested an evaluation of these GEF focal area strategies...
The independent evaluation office of the global environment facility (GEF) conducted a country portfolio evaluation of GEF support to Cuba for the period 1992-2011. Cuba was selected based on its large...
The fifth annual country portfolio evaluation report synthesizes the main conclusions and recommendations emerging from the evaluative evidence in the country portfolio evaluations and studies conducted...
The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the most productive marine areas in the world, but political, economic, and social drivers have created great environmental pressures on this ecosystem: overfishing...
The independent evaluation office of the global environment facility (GEF) carried out a country portfolio evaluation of GEF support to Brazil for the period 1991 to 2011. Brazil was selected due to its...
The seventh annual performance report of the global environment facility (GEF) focuses on completed projects for which terminal evaluations were submitted during fiscal year 2010. The report, prepared...
The GEF Earth Fund derives from the Public-Private Partnership Initiative established in 2007 as part of an effort to enhance engagement with the private sector. It evolved out of the GEF’s long-standing...
Success in achieving global environmental objectives is linked to whether countries have the robust institutions, experienced personnel, enabling policy and legal frameworks, and technical expertise needed...
Established in 2001, the special climate change fund (SCCF) is the first comprehensive climate change fund accessible by all developing countries. Managed by the global environment facility (GEF), the...
In 2012, the independent evaluation office of the global environment facility (GEF) undertook a country portfolio study of GEF support to Timor-Leste. The study was conducted in parallel with the United...
The annual thematic evaluation report 2011 is the first of its kind presented by the independent evaluation office of the global environment facility (GEF) to the GEF council. It provides an overview of...
In 2011, the Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) conducted a country portfolio study of GEF support to Jamaica for the period 1994-2010. Country portfolio studies are a new modality...
The El Salvador initiative was the first country portfolio study undertaken by the Office; it was conducted in collaboration with the United Nations development programme. Since 1994, the Global Environment...