Provocările globale urgente, cum ar fi pandemia bolii Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), digitalizarea rapidă și decalajul digital ulterioară, mișcările migratorii, schimbările climatice, schimbarea rapidă a...
Urgent global challenges such as the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, rapid digitalization and the subsequent digital divide, migratory movements, climate change, rapid changing economics...
Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice, Dezvoltării și Administrației (MPWDA) a încheiat un Acord de Servicii Rambursabile (RAS) cu Banca Mondială pentru a oferi sprijin și contribuții la Politica Urbană a României...
The demographic, spatial and economic dynamics of cities show an interdependent relationship between the urban core and the surrounding localities, as a result of the influence that the city has on the...
The story of Romania's economy is winding and complex. With the fall of communism, Romania undertook a winding transition to a market economy, with much of the 1990s marked by economic decline and restructuring...
The purpose of this report is twofold: to classify the Romanian cities according to their demographic, spatial, and economic dynamics of the last decades; and to interpret and apply the propositions contained...
Inter-jurisdictional cooperation in Romania falls mainly under the legislation defining metropolitan areas, metropolitan territory, and inter-community development associations (IDA), in particular the...
The World Bank provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration (MDPWA) for the elaboration of the Urban Policy of Romania. This report presents a re-analysis...
The World Bank provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration (MDPWA) for the elaboration of the Urban Policy of Romania. This report presents a re-analysis...
The phenomenon of migration from rural areas to urban centers is the very essence of people’s desire to live better, in environments adapted to the dynamics of the present and with a clear vision of the...
This report focuses on recommendations to enhance the job ecosystems in small towns in Romania, in line with the inputs toward the national urban policy (NUP). The analysis offers a blueprint for small...
This report focuses on recommendations to enhance the job ecosystems in small towns in Romania, in line with the inputs toward the national urban policy (NUP). The analysis offers a blueprint for small...
The story of Romania's economy is winding and complex. With the fall of communism, Romania undertook a winding transition to a market economy, with much of the 1990s marked by economic decline and restructuring...
Târgu Secuiesc City is located in the Central region of Romania, and is a rank Il city according to the classification defined in Law. According to the minimum indicators proposed in the new PATN for changing...
One key factor leading to economic development and a high quality of life for citizens is the transport and mobility infrastructure. Romania and the Romanian cities must be connected as closely as possible...
According to the regulation on the organization and functioning of the specialized body of the Mayor of Suceava, the mayor, deputy mayors and secretary of the city together with the specialized body of...
Romania has the smallest share of public expenditure on education and one of the highest rates of social dropouts and youth that are not in education, employment, or training (NEETs) in the European Union...