This note examines the effective income tax rates of top earners in Honduras, using a novel approach that links personal and corporate income tax data. This comprehensive income measure, achieved through...
This note presents the results of the analysis of Value Added Tax (VAT) and Corporate Income Tax (CIT) compliance and policy gap estimates in Indonesia between 2016 and 2021. The study's objective is to...
The report presents an analysis of the adoption and implementation of accrual accounting in the public sector to explore its role in providing information on fiscal sustainability, informing economic analysis...
This note explores the use of technology to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of judicial service delivery. It examines how technological solutions can support streamlining internal...
Adequate budgeting of the judiciary is critical for the effective delivery of justice. This brief presents trends in judicial budgets. Courts account for less than 2 percent of total government expenditure...
Small claims courts and procedures play an important role in enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of the justice system. When well-designed, they can significantly streamline judicial processes...
Countries are increasingly adopting climate change framework laws to help them achieve their climate goals. Since 1998 - when the first law was adopted - 61 countries (and one regional bloc, the European...
The paper advances a framework to take stock of CIT incentives across two interrelated policy objectives: stimulating investment in green sectors and processes; and/or encouraging divestment from dirty...
This report explores how countries can embed disaster risk in their budgets, an especially important task as climate change gives rise to greater disaster impacts and as economies and populations grow...
Reducing the impact of climate change on poor and vulnerable households is essential for hastening poverty reduction. In thinking about policies that do this, it is useful to apply the same hazard, exposure...
This paper presents the results of a qualitative study aimed at generating knowledge on intra-household and gendered impacts of food and energy price shocks among the poor in Côte d’Ivoire, with a focus...
Trade exposure is traditionally seen as key to job creation and poverty reduction, but its efficacy is questioned amid global labor market upheavals and protectionist trends. Drawing on six underlying...
A new system of consumption taxes in Brazil was approved by constitutional amendment in December 2023, with infra-constitutional legislation under debate in Congress as of July 2024. This legislation will...
Um novo sistema tributário sobre o consumo no Brasil foi aprovado por emenda constitucional em dezembro de 2023, aguardando a definição da legislação infraconstitucional ainda em debate no Congresso em...
Este reporte proporciona una evaluación del impacto del cambio climático para el sector bancario hondureño, abarcando tanto riesgos físicos como de transición. Respecto a riesgos físicos, el reporte encuentra...
This note uses transaction level customs data for Chile and Colombia to provide insights into food price transmission from global markets to import prices. This is a non-trivial relationship with significant...
Financial development can enhance economic well-being and foster resilience in fragile settings, potentially contributing to escaping from fragility once “pivotal conditions” are in place. However, fragile...
The report is organized around a conceptual framework that focuses on thedrivers of health worker performance in the health administration and in healthfacilities. The administration-level drivers focus...